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About the Instructor



Silky Singh is a certified Kumon Instructor, with 14 years of workplace instructional experience. She graduated with Psychology, Philosophy and Economics as majors, and did her Masters in English Literature. She began her instructional career as a lecturer in English. To further pursue her teaching career, she did her Bachelor’s in Education. She is an Ontario Certified Teacher in Junior and Intermediate division. She worked in Peel School Board, and witnessed firsthand the need for stronger foundational math and reading skills in Canada’s youth.  Kumon was something that attracted her as a school of thought in line with her own educational philosophies and beliefs. In 2006, she gave up her public school job, to pursue Kumon full-time. With two elementary school children, both enrolled in Kumon, Silky has also achieved new insight as a Kumon parent.  Apart from being a full-time mom and Kumon Instructor, she calls herself a “proxy poet”, with poems written in 3 languages. Today, Silky is thrilled to bring this educational opportunity to Brampton’s children, including her own. 

Biography and Background


Silky Singh is a certified Kumon Instructor, with 14 years of workplace instructional experience. She graduated with Psychology, Philosophy and Economics as majors, and did her Masters in English Literature. She began her instructional career as a lecturer in English. To further pursue her teaching career, she did her Bachelor’s in Education. She is an Ontario Certified Teacher in Junior and Intermediate division. She worked in Peel School Board, and witnessed firsthand the need for stronger foundational math and reading skills in Canada’s youth.  Kumon was something that attracted her as a school of thought in line with her own educational philosophies and beliefs. In 2006, she gave up her public school job, to pursue Kumon full-time. With two young school children, also enrolled in Kumon, Silky has achieved new insight as a Kumon parent.  Apart from being a full-time mom and Kumon Instructor, she calls herself a “proxy poet”, with poems written in 3 languages. Today, Silky is thrilled to bring this educational opportunity to Brampton’s children, including her own!