Krithik's success story
When I was in fourth grade, I started attending Kumon at Buffalo Grove - North (IL). At first, I knew very little in math and it was hard for me to understand and I had to ask for help. The teachers taught me step by step how to approach each and every problem. After I had finished until level H, I got more confident in Algebra. Kumon really helped me boost my confidence to achieve higher levels and also highly motivated me to try harder.
The program was very inclusive to students who learn differently. It not only improved my math skills but also improved my focus and learning discipline.
I want to thank Kumon for providing me an opportunity to succeed in math. I was able to score well in the SAT math section and I was able to complete high school math courses with ease. I received very good grades in high school math and also got accepted into the college of my choice that I applied for. This program is very good for students with all abilities.
Sahan's Success Story on Math Program Completion
Finishing the Kumon Math program in 9th grade was one of the biggest achievements in my life. It was almost a 12-year journey, starting from Level 7A and all the way to Level O. The Kumon math program has helped me in so many different ways, both inside and outside the classroom. I was able to always stay one step ahead of my math class, understanding the concepts on my first attempt and being able to get the best score on every test. Even to this day, 2 years after I finished the math program, I am still being assisted tremendously by the knowledge I have gained and math has become a passion for me. The way the Kumon Math curriculum was laid out helped me to also appreciate the subject and not just use it as a means to effectively complete my math work. The program, as previously mentioned, has helped me develop as a person. The 12-year journey has taught me to persevere, think in a complex manner, and be confident enough to ask for help, all of which have been carried over to other subjects as well. Without this program, I would not be as much of a high-caliber student as I am today. And for that, I am truly thankful for Kumon.
Advik's Success Story
A very good evening to everyone present here. My name is Advik and I am in 4th grade. I started Kumon when I was in kindergarten. I sometimes do find that Kumon is repetitive but I have come to realize that it is because of that repetition I have become very good in Math. There is a saying that ‘Practice makes a man perfect’ and it is that practice that has made me very confident in Math. I am in the Advanced Math program in school and I feel very proud of that and it wouldn’t have been possible without Kumon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr and Mrs Vasee, Mrs Sri, Mr Kumaran and all the assistants in Kumon who have helped me throughout these years.
Thank you!
Siddhant's Success Story
My name is Siddhant, and I will be going into 8th grade after this summer. My Kumon story started on a fateful Friday afternoon, around the start of 3rd grade, 5 years ago. It's been 5 years since I was placed in Level B in the math program. The reading program, which I started in the spring of 2017 and finished in the winter of 2018, was another addition to my daily set of studies. In math, I am currently in Level O. I never thought that I would be so far up the food chain in Kumon - finishing the Reading Program and being months away from finishing math.
I pondered over and over again, the young Siddhant, how he marvelled at the complicated math concepts that all the older kids were doing, how he longed to join them, bear the legendary M bag. What young Siddhant did not know was what got them there. Not until he got to where he is standing today. The answer is dedication. Had I accepted the one month of break that Kumon offered every year, I would never have completed reading, I would never remember the math I learned. I remained focused and dedicated to my task. I went on a vacation to a foreign country for 7 whole weeks. Can you imagine where I would be if I had missed out on that much Kumon? Well, I sure would have never seen that purple M bag, that’s for sure. I took my Kumon with me, did some on the plane, did some when I couldn’t sleep, and yes, in case you’re wondering, I did just procrastinate and do it all in 10 days. Regardless, I got the job done. And those long hours that I took, doing 4 days of Kumon in one day, was very restless. You have to know, this was level L, and I just finished 6th grade. My video game and summer influenced brain was not in the mood to do pre-calculus.
Following that whole episode, I came back, and within 11 months, I took my test to enter Level O on June 9th. Dedication was and still is key. Everyone needs to stay focused on what they’re doing. Only with a significant amount of dedication can one succeed. As American Filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille once said, “Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.”
So I implore you, stay focused, stay dedicated, and there won’t be anything to get in your way.
Kevin's Success Story on Math Program Completion
Attending Kumon has helped me become a better mathematician, student, and most importantly, a better person. Kumon outlines the basic foundation for any student’s math and/or reading class, and works to extend those limits to help the child succeed in all ways possible. Personally, Kumon has helped me become better at adapting to challenges, be more prepared to face harder and more confusing classes in school, and develop strong studying skills. Now, the concepts that used to seem way out of my reach are close enough for me to grasp. Overall, Kumon is the paint brush that fills the once empty canvas of my mathematical understanding. I have become a completely new person who is ready for what the future holds because of the skills Kumon has taught me.
Sai's Success Story
I’m Saairam. I am in 3rd grade. I started in level 3A in math; now I am in level “G”. I accomplished this within one year. My parents tried to teach me, but it was tough for me to understand. At Kumon, they teach us tricks and easy strategies. The instructor is approachable if you need any help. The daily practice has helped me to set goals, challenge myself, and create a pattern for success. Kumon helped me succeed in school. Constantly challenging yourself towards a goal tests how much you can achieve. By setting your goals high, you will never feel as if you have failed. You will always land somewhere where you feel positive and where you feel confident about yourself.
Special thanks to Mrs.Vasee, Mr.Kumaran and Mrs.Sri!
Deb's Success Story
Hello Everyone! My name is Deb. I am a first grader.
I joined Kumon when I was 4 and a half years old. In the last 2 years, I have learned so many things at Kumon. This has helped me to be ahead of all my classmates in English and Math.
I can now read chapter books without seeking much help. I feel happy when my class teacher asks me to help my classmates whenever they get stuck in math problems.
Thank you, all Kumon assistants, for explaining new concepts in simple and easy ways. I love Kumon! Thank you!