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About the Instructor


Hello, my name is Sharon Naik and I am the Kumon Instructor of the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Chanhassen.

The Kumon Method, with its emphasis on mastery-based learning, appeals to me and I see it working every day with students from all backgrounds and learning levels. Nothing beats the joy of taking a 4 yr-old from learning the alphabet to becoming a fluent reader or seeing a student who is struggling with addition transform into a confident, eager student solving complex algebraic equations in middle school. And all this happens with no tears, no struggles, and no fears thanks to an excellent curriculum that presents the concepts in small, incremental steps.

My goal as an instructor is not only to help my students become excellent in math, reading and writing but also to make them excellent learners for the long run. I want them to develop an inquiring mind that engages with the larger world around them, and with Kumon, they will!

Biography and Background

Instructor Background

I started the center in September 2009. I hold a PhD in Genetics from Case Western Reserve University and a  postdoctoral fellow at the Cleveland Clinic for two years in Cancer Research.

My teaching experience includes being a professor in Biology and Biochemistry for three years and actively volunteering at my children's school. My own children have completed the Kumon program. 

As an extensively trained and certified professional instructor, I serve as a mentor who guides your children through their work while also providing direction, support and encouragement. I will create an at-home study plan in addition to monitoring classroom assignments and emphasizing the importance of accurately completing each assignment within a designated time frame. This has helped many of our students increase self-confidence, thus becoming more self-reliant. Like all Kumon Instructors, I have a true passion for education and an earnest desire to help children succeed.