Molly and Derek's Story
My name is Molly O. and I am 11 years old, in 6th grade. I started Kumon at the beginning of my 4th grade year. Honestly, I wasn't bad at math- I was in the second highest math class, right below GT. Still, that doesn't mean that math was all easy breezy for me. I still struggled with everyday math and homework. I really concentrated on memorizing how to complete a problem- not how or why I was solving it as I was.
As I began Kumon, I started with the basics, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Right away, I discovered that when it came to long division, it would take me longer and longer each time. I was always afraid of asking for help because I thought asking for help meant I was "dumb" or "stupid". However, as time passed, I learned that asking for help is just human and in order to accomplish something great, people are forced to struggle and require help at points on their journey to success.
Soon enough, I also noticed Kumon math was helping me in school math. I was so surprised! The way that Kumon repeated multiplication worksheets and packets made it really easy to memorize and truly remember them.Within a month or two, I had memorized my multiplication tables from 0 to 12! I started to truly excel in school math simply by knowing such a simple thing as the multiplication tables!
Fractions were the next "unit". Fractions became my favorite, once I understood how they worked. Eventually, it came so easily to me, thanks to the instructors explaining it to me. I love fractions even now.
When the school year ended, I was happy school was over,but bummed that Kumon didn't stop or take a break over the summer. Looking back now, boy was I glad Kumon didn't stop or take a break. I would have been so lost once the school year started again!
Before school ended, I had taken the GT math placement test. I was so upset when I got the news that I hadn't made it into GT math.However, my mom thoroughly read the letter and discovered that a recommendation letter could also be sent in to possibly help reconsider my placement in 5th grade GT math. The Kumon instructor at the time, Miss Laurie, gladly agreed to write a recommendation letter, and even attached some of my best work at Kumon. A month later, we received word that I would be part of the GT math program in 5th grade. The people who helped me at Kumon, Miss Laurie, and my family all knew that I deserved and belonged in GT math- and they helped me get there!
At the beginning of my fifth grade year in math, we did review with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, before working with fractions. When we took our pre-test, which would inform the teacher what the class already knew about fractions, I was astonished. I remember thinking at the time, "I know this! This is easy!" I scored the highest grade in the class, a perfect score. I finished all my worksheets in a breeze. This was another time that I truly realized that Kumon actually helps you so much in school!
Kumon started becoming harder and far more difficult when I entered pre-algebra and algebra I and II in 5th grade. I started taking notes in a journal to study from while I was doing classwork and homework in Kumon, to look back on as a reference.
My brother Derek is nine years old and in fourth grade,meaning he started Kumon at the beginning of his second grade. Kumon has given my brother self-confidence and removed any self doubt left inside of him. He would always complain about going, but I know that secretly Derek knows how much Kumon has helped him.
My brother and I are now in honors GT math in school, and we are about four years above our grade levels thanks to Kumon. Kumon has given us confidence, a sense of perseverance, and the attitude that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to."
Sindhu's Success Story
Sindhu P. - Reading Program Completer
Hello! My name is Sindhu P. I started Kumon when I was in second grade. I was first enrolled in math, in which I am now in level K. Right now I am in 6th grade, so it has been about 4 years since I started Kumon math. I was also enrolled in Kumon reading, sometime in 2010. I have finished all the levels in Kumon reading in 3 years . My actual experience in Kumon has been a good one. Sometimes I would get frustrated while doing Kumon because either I didn't understand the exercises, (like in reading, I would have to read Shakespeare, and some words made no sense at all) or because I had to do so many calculations and work that sometimes only one exercise in math would take 5 minutes! I would always make sure that I had all my work finished when I went to the learning center, even if it meant finishing the leftover work on the day that I had class. If I needed the subject of the work to be explained, I would ask the staff at Kumon to explain to me how the work was done. At home, sometimes when I did not understand what to do for my Kumon math, I would get help from my mom or dad at home. At home, when I didn’t grasp the Kumon homework, I would stay up late and try my hardest to finish the homework. Even with these hardships I continued Kumon and didn’t quit. Kumon always helped me in school, like in math, when I realized that we were doing something I already knew because of Kumon, I would zone out to what the teacher was saying and just finish the worksheet, and always get all the answers right.. Also in ELA (English Language Arts) when the teacher would ask us about terms, I would know most of them, thanks to Kumon. Of course, I had a lot of help in Kumon from the staff especially Ms. Bita, Mrs. Laurie, Ms. Teatash as well as my parents. Thank you!
-Sindhu P.