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About the Instructor


As an extensively trained and certified professional instructor, I serve as a mentor who guides your children through their work while also providing direction, support and encouragement. I create an at-home study plan in addition to monitoring classroom assignments, and I emphasize the importance of accurately completing each assignment within a designated time frame. This has helped many of my students increase self-confidence, thus becoming more self-reliant. Like all Kumon Instructors, I have a true passion for education and an earnest desire to help children succeed.

Biography and Background

Ms. Ruby

Hello, my name is Ruby Gul and I am the instructor at the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Fair Oaks. My passion in becoming an instructor comes from my own experience as a mother, but also my desire to help all children become confident and independent thinkers.


Honestly being a Kumon parent wasn’t always easy, and at times it was truly challenging! I remember chasing after my children to do their daily studies, but when my daughter went away to college, she had been there for a while and during a phone call she said, “Mom now I understand and appreciate why Kumon was such apriority. It is hard but I know I can do this, sincerely.” My heart skipped a beat and I was so proud of her. While she was transitioning into college life and becoming an adult, she thanked me for making her do Kumon and that continues to resonate with me. Over the years, many students have inspired me as I know they will be better off because of their hard work and commitment.


Throughout the pandemic, I transitioned to offering virtual classes despite it being outside my comfort zone because I am committed to my students and look forward to seeing them regularly. As things unceasingly evolve, I have observed many students develop advanced work skills. It has been a wonderfully rewarding and fulfilling experience to help students whether they are working to catch up to their grade level or eagerly advancing beyond their own grade level.


Asa mother and instructor, I love what I do and enjoy creating individualized lesson plans to discover the potential within each child. If you are interested, I offer in-person, hybrid and virtual classes, I’d love to speak with you and welcome you to schedule a parent orientation and a free placement test.