Ambareesh's Story

Ambareesh is an ideal Kumon student. He started Kumon five years ago, in level A. Five years later, he has completed 12 levels and is currently in level M. He has two more levels, N and O, to reach Program Completion. Here is a brief interview with Ambareesh:
How has Kumon Math helped you?
Initially, it helped me improve the speed at which I completed the problems. Later on, I have learnt many new topics that allowed me to solve more complex problems. I am able to apply the techniques that I have learned from Kumon in school. Over a period of time, Kumon has helped me to build an interest in Math to pursue higher challenges like parabolic equations, higher degree functions, geometry, etc.,
What do you aspire to become?
I am still figuring it out. I have a lot of interest in Math and Chemistry, and I intend to pursue a career in one of those.
What Math programs do you enjoy outside of school and Kumon?
I enjoyed Khan Academy’s LearnStorm and was one of the LearnStorm finalist in 2015. I am enrolled in the GATE Math Club and I have been participating in Math Olympiad for the last three years. I also enjoyed applying Math in Elementary Science Olympiad and First Lego League Robotics.
What extracurricular activities do you enjoy?
I go to the Book Club, Science, Brain Games, Math, and Computer Programming GATE Clubs. I am also a member of Boy Scouts.
What is your message to your fellow Kumon Math students?
Sometimes Kumon exercises are hard and you get discouraged because it takes longer to finish them. You should not give up because of this, for while you are learning, it is okay to take time or make mistakes. Trust me, it gets better over time.