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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Realizing Academic Potential


Kiersten enrolled in the Kumon Math Program in July of 2011. Two months later, she joined the Kumon Reading Program. She is currently in Level I for Math and Level HII for Reading. Kiersten is ahead of her grade-level. Though Kiersten is only beginning middle school, she is working on advanced geometric concepts and the interpretation of descriptive language.

I started Kumon because it would make me smarter than I already am. Everyone at Kumon of Howell has guided me to realize my academic potential. When I go to class at Kumon, I like correcting my packets.” ~Kiersten, 5th grade

Working Ahead of Grade Level

In April of 2013 Shreya joined the Kumon Reading Program. Soon after, Shreya joined the Math Program. Now Shreya is in Level FI for Reading and Level G for Math. Because of Shreya's hard work and progress, she has earned a Silver Achievement Award for Reading and a Gold Achievement Award for Math in Kumon. Shreya recently placed second in school math bee!

"I enrolled into Kumon because I was falling behind in school and I wanted to do better. At Kumon, I like how assistants explain things step-by-step if you don't understand it. Kumon has made things easier for me in school and has helped me get into a Reading Enrichment class and Advanced Math class."  ~Shreya, 5th Grade

Becoming More Independent


I joined Kumon because I was struggling in Math and wanted to excel in school. Kumon has helped me in math, but also as an overall person by making me more independent. Here, I learn more efficient ways to solve problems.” ~Juan Pablo, 7th grade

Excelling in School

Rohan Completion

Rohan joined the Kumon Reading Program in September of 2009. By middle school he was prepared for high school level courses. In November 2017 he completed the Kumon Reading Program. Rohan also enrolled in the Kumon Math Program in February 2011 and just began Level J, learning advanced methods of factoring and algebraic proofs.

"I joined Kumon to learn more and get ahead in school.  Now, I excel in school and was able to get into advanced classes.  I enjoy the friendly environment at Kumon of Howell.  I also like how it gives me the opportunity to learn new things. "  

Rohan P., 8th grade
Reading Program Completer
Math Level J 

Books and Prizes

Yadarth and Neeraj

"I like talking about books I read and getting prizes at Kumon."

Yardarth S.
4 years old, Reading Student