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Center Resources


pdf Kindergarten 4 Ways Kumon Helps Preschoolers
Our methods support preschooler stamina and endurance to write for longer and helps make learning fun!
pdf Kindergarten Resources - Phonics Charts with Audio
Letter Sounds, Double Consonant Sounds and Double Vowel Sounds with audio support to listen and repeat sounds for better pronunciation.


pdf Summer Learning Loss
Did you know that kids can lose up to 2 months of reading skills and 2.6 months of math skills over the summer? Kumon can help bridge this gap and help them learning all summer long!
pdf 2021 Goal Sheet: Time to Reflect and Plan for 2022
Great activity for children - think through what has been accomplished in 2021 and what you would like to accomplish for 2022. Happy Thinking!
pdf Parent Tips for Early Learners/ Pre-Readers
This guide shows detailed tips of each of the phonics and pre-addition levels in Kumon plus video clips for each.
pdf Parent Tips - Kumon at Home for Early Learners
Kumon at home can be quite an adventure for young children (and their parents.) Time is spent establishing a routine, developing proper study habits and creating lasting motivation.
pdf Kumon - Importance of Comfortable Starting Point
A visual depiction of one of the fundamental principles of Kumon - a comfortable starting point for the student, in order to build confidence and advance.
pdf Math Study Facts - Addition, Subtraction, Multipli
Practice your math study facts for the four operations. Students can fold the sheet over to review without seeing the answers. Develop speed in addition and division by memorizing the answers like you would multiplication! Happy Learning!