Feedback from a Parent
"I was skeptical about the Kumon program before we registered our girls. I didn't want them to focus too much on academics and ignore other skills like sports or outdoor activities. Now, having been in this program for 16 months, I’m very glad that we made the right decision to enroll them in the Kumon program.
-Both the Reading and Math skills of my daughters have been improved significantly. My 5 year-old daughter, who is about to start Kindergarten in two months, has already started reading chapter books. She is so advanced that she is reading books for her friends in pre-school. She was awarded the “Star Reader”. We know what this means for a preschooler and she is thrilled about this award. This brings her a lot of happiness and self-confidence. She is so ready for her Kindergarten. My 8 year-old is also advanced in her reading and math as 2nd grader.
-Both girls build their habit of 30-60 min concentration on study every day. This is good training for kids. They know what they need to do to commit to everyday life. They enjoy the achievement of following the rules or they take the consequences for not following the rules, such as not being able to enjoy other fun activities like swimming or playing in the playground. It’s a nice tool for parents to discipline the kids, as well as themselves as parents. This helps kids build lifelong habits.
-Most importantly, our kids’ advancement in reading and math makes them much more confident, outgoing, and this opens them up to be willing to try other new challenges. Ms. Leena is committed to Kumon. She is patient and she cares about every student's progress. She always tries to communicate with parents, review their child's progress and sets up new goals. She is passionate about what she does. Her team is well trained. All these differentiate her center from others. We are happy that we made the decision 1.5 years ago and will continue committing to Kumon. Thank you, Leena "
Parent Speech at the Awards Ceremony
Good Afternoon,
I am a Kumon parent. My family has been Kumon supporters for the last 10 years. As parents we struggle to make choices for our children that are in their best interest. We stress with each decision we make wanting it to be the right one for them. Kumon has proven to be one of the best decisions we made for our children. My son started at the age 4 and my daughter at the age of 3. Kumon has helped my children to succeed in their academic careers. It allowed my son to start high school classes in 7thgrade and start taking AP courses in 9thgrade. I feel that because of the solid foundation that Kumon developed in them, it allowed them to succeed in multiple aspects. It has also helped them to become confident and self-reliant. The daily homework has helped them to become more responsible and learn how to manage their time. In a world where they have many activities pulling at their time, Kumon has shown them how to prioritize and organize in order to be successful. We are so happy that our children are part of Kumon.
Kumon Program Completer earns perfect score on ACT
Amisha Agrawal, a rising junior at University School, has earned a perfect score of 36 on her ACT exam following her first attempt during her sophomore year.
“I attribute this score and many other accomplishments to hard work, dedication, and support. I want to thank my parents, all of the teachers and the administration at University School and the enrichment program at Kumon Math and Reading Center of Johnson City.”
According to ACT, only around two-tenths of 1 percent of students who take the ACT earn a perfect score. ACT describes the achievement of a 36 score as "a crowning accomplishment in a student's high school career."