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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Emma K's Kumon Success Story

Emma K

My name is Emma K and I am in third grade. I am an Honor Roll Student and Inductee of the Kumon Student Conference representing Madison, NJ. I started at Kumon 3 years ago when I was in first grade. In the beginning, Kumon was hard, but as I a grew up, I started to like Kumon more, it teaches me math and reading. I was a bit frustrated at Level C for math and reading because I made many mistakes, but I practice and practice more, and I am getting better. Kumon teaches me to work hard and my dad is very proud of me. 

Matthew B's Success Story

Matthew B (Updated)

My name is Matthew and I am 8 years old. I have been going to Kumon of Madison for two years already. When my mom and dad signed me up for reading and math at Kumon, I couldn’t read at my grade level but was pretty good at math. At first, I was scared because I did not know any of the instructors or if the work would be too hard, especially reading. By completing my daily worksheets, my reading and math got better. I even started to like reading and math, a little. I like attending in-class sessions at Madison to complete my worksheets because I get to work by myself, without my dad bothering me to do my Kumon. The instructors and staff are nice, funny, and help me with any questions I have. I also receive Kumon medals and prizes for passing achievement tests. I am now well above grade level in math and reading.

Update as of December 2024: I am now in sixth grade and I am proud to have stuck with the Kumon Math and Reading program for the last five years! I am a Silver Student in Math, meaning I am studying and working on Math work 6 months above my grade level. When I was younger, I did not look forward to going to Kumon. Then, I realized how much more advanced I was at Math than the other kids in my class and how some other kids looked up to me for it. Some of my friends started asking their parents how I became so good in Math and then they wanted to do Kumon! Kumon has become a part of my everyday life and has made a big difference in my learning and school grades. 

Shreyan's Success Story

Shreyan (Success Story)

My name is Shreyan and I am in third grade. I have been attending Kumon since I was in pre-school, which is a really long time! I am an Honor Roll Student and Inductee of the Kumon Student Conference representing Madison, NJ. At Kumon, I am a Silver Award Student in both Math and Reading, meaning I am 6 months above my grade level in school. I have accomplished a lot of certificates and medals and I like that I am ahead of my class. I also like that it helps me with my homework and tests. I love that all the teachers are nice and kind!

Fiona D Achieving Level C by 1st Grade


Fiona is a role model student and was awarded this award for her hard work from the moment she enters the center, consistently pursuing Academic Excellence! She bedazzles us with her beautiful smile, great positive attitude, and not afraid to ask for help and make mistakes to learn from them. Here are some words from Fiona after her achievement: Hi. My Name is Fiona and I am 7 years old. I have been doing Kumon for 2.5 years. I like Kumon because it makes you smarter. Your children should sign up for Kumon classes too! I recently achieved C by 1 which means I am now doing 3rd grade work as a 1st grader. My parents are so proud!

Harvey reaches Platinum status and G by 6th grade

Harvey (Updated)

Harvey reaches Platinum status and G by 6th grade. Kumon can make YOU an amazing student, just like me. In March 2022 I started Kumon with 10 pages of math and reading each. I slowly built up my accuracy and speed and was able to master concepts with speed and accuracy in a few months. Periodically, I was rewarded with certificates as I passed each level in math and reading. I surpassed my grade level in no time. Despite this emotional boost, I still struggle a bit as the levels get higher and harder. As the work got harder and more challenging, I was to reduce it to 5 pages to ensure I was able to absorb and master concepts while still building strong foundations. I continue with slight struggles as I learn new concepts. As new concepts arise, these are the hardest of times, but I still push my way through to find a way to complete the work. Kumon now becomes my daily routine as I do it without thinking. I recently was awarded the G by 6th grade award and the platinum award in math. I feel extremely proud, never actually thinking I would get platinum in math - 3 years above grade level. With encouragement from Mr. Kit, Mr. Nic, and my parents, I continue working hard completing 2 pages for math, and 3 or 4 pages for reading daily and continue to excel in math and reading. Yet, I still feel like I have accomplished so much to this day. Kumon makes a path to success for my future, and in the process, makes it efficient and trusting. You can follow my steps to become an amazing Kumon student.

Liam B Achieves Level C by 1st Grade

Liam B

Liam began Kumon Reading and Math two weeks before the shutdown in March 2020. He had just turned four and was showing early signs of reading and liked counting and numbers. Getting into a routine with loads of uncertainty in our day-to-day lives was not easy but we stuck with it and are SO glad we did. Without consistent preschool to rely on, Kumon provided Liam with just enough work to focus on each day to keep his mind engaged and developing. He quickly began adding and subtracting in his head (sometimes faster than I can!). Reading took time but once his confidence and stamina were built, there was no stopping him. He reads and writes everything and everywhere. One of his new favorite activities for fun is writing letters to his family and friends and mailing them each week. His Pre-K teachers are amazed by his "above grade level" achievements and often have him help other students in their classroom with reading and math assignments. We are very grateful to the Madison Kumon team for working with Liam and nurturing his bright and curious mind.

Liam's Mom Update: As of August 2023, Liam has achieved the C by 1 award as a result of his studies. This means that he has begun studying 3rd grade material before completing 1st grade.

Damon & Erin, Siblings Love Kumon of Madison, NJ

Damon and Erin (Updated)

My name is Damon and I started Kumon when I was 3 years old and in preschool. Kumon helped me learn mental math, and reading and helped develop my interest in reading books by myself. My preschool teacher was surprised when I knew how to pronounce Paleontologist when we were learning about dinosaurs. I am currently 2 years above in math and reading as a 1st grader. Let me introduce my younger sister Erin, who also started Kumon when she was 3 years old!

Hi, I am Erin and I'm four years old. I have been attending Kumon with my brother as far back as I can remember. I like Kumon because they helped me learn how to read, starting with the alphabet and blending of the alphabet to form words. I am now able to read my favorite books like Pinkalicious and Arthur by myself. I have recently started to add and it is a lot of fun. I do not need to use my fingers to solve math problems anymore as I have learned to mentally add. I also love the rewards and prizes we receive at Kumon.

Leo Honor Student - Dual Silver Medal recipient

Leo C

Hi, I am Leo, I asked to start Kumon because I wanted to tackle harder math that was more fun! The school did a slow job of teaching me, and I did not feel like I was getting smarter. I feel proud when I do Kumon because I am working hard and achieving my goals.

The worksheets are just right because each week the worksheets teach you a little bit more knowledge. I finally have gotten to multiplying bigger numbers, which was what I really wanted to do. Now I am two years above my grade level in Math and above grade level in Reading. I want to keep going!

Leilani's reads fluently and loves Kumon


Meet Leilani O., one of our youngest students at Kumon of Madison. After one year, she continues to study above her grade level in both Math and Reading! Leilani is also an honor roll student! She can work independently on her assignments! We are so proud of you!

Helena Platinum Student


My name is Helena and I joined Kumon of Madison in second grade, when I could not sit still or focus during class. Kumon has helped my attention span and my ability to focus on long tasks. Kumon of Madison has also helped me excel in Mathematics due to its amazing program.

Since joining Kumon of Madison, I have reached Platinum Status in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, as well as achieving the G by 4th grade and recently J by 6th grade award.

Although I only attend Math classes at Kumon, it has helped me excel in all my subjects in school due to the life skills I have learned at Kumon, such as focus, time management, mental math, test-taking skills, and more. I can now focus for long periods of time on a subject and do my work faster than before in all that I touch. Due to Kumon, I am going to 7th grade, taking Algebra 1. I am so excited!

Yang Family Trio success at Kumon


Meet the Yang Family Trio currently enrolled at the Kumon of Madison! Alice completed Level J Math and continues with math at Kumon, while on the honor roll with a gold medal, 2 years above her grade level, and sporting her black Kumon bag. Alex completed Level G and is also a gold medalist, 2 years above his grade level and sporting his yellow Kumon bag. Little sister Olivia joined Kumon recently and we are sure she will make the Advanced StudentHonor Roll list in a few short months! From Mom: Kumon has helped my kids maintain higher standards in math, build their confidence, and maintain good habits of finishing homework daily. The teachers really care about my kids' process. I can rest assured that if we stay in Kumon my kids will not struggle with mathin school, but be well above their grade level and top of their classes

Cole & Calvin Twin Fun at Kumon!

Calvin and Cole

Cole F

The teachers have helped me improve so much since I started. Kumon is a fun place to go. You should try it and tell your friends too! If you are having a hard time in school, Kumon is a great spot to start. If you start it, you will really like the teachers because they are really nice. Kumon is also fun because you can get prizes from your earned stickers and a map of where they go.

Calvin F

Kumon is probably the best way to learn. I am ahead of my class in math so I am able to ace my work. I am learning long division at Kumon and it is pushing me to do more. Math and reading are fun even though it may be hard sometimes. In class, I still do well in reading so I think Kumon is the best place to go and learn.

Sabrina's Journey and success at Kumon


When I first arrived at Kumon for enrichment 3 years ago, I was very nervous. My parents enrolled me in Math and Reading. I enjoyed the time at the center learning new concepts. The math and reading work was challenging at first. Once I learned new concepts at each level, I started to look forward to each week and the new concepts I would learn. A few months later, I started leveling up in math and reading. Step by step, I started to grasp the concepts in both subjects and did better in school, which made me so happy!

In the Summer of 2021, I made the Kumon of Madison Honor Roll for Math and am so elated! I am working hard and hope to make the Honor Roll for Reading in a few short months.

Kumon has helped me a lot academically!

Diara's Journey at Morristown & Madison


Diara's Journey at Morristown & Madison

My name is Diara. I have been a Kumon student since 2018, and ever since then, there has been a drastic improvement in my grades and education! During fourth grade, I struggled inbmath and reading, and I lacked motivation. However, when introduced to Mr. Nic, Mr. Kit, and their teaching techniques, that all changed! Not only did my grades improve, but I also gained motivation by receiving praise and support. I went from being an average B student in fourth grade to honors in fifth. My math and English courses remain at least a year ahead of my current classes. The consistency from Kumon has helped in other areas of Science and Languages.

I am now an 8th grader with high honors in all subjects, all within a few years of attending Kumon Math and Reading Center of Morristown and Madison. In the end, I have found what I needed to excel in school at Kumon of Morristown and Madison. Many thanks to all the staff for helping me thrive at Kumon of Morristown and Madison.


Natalia's is now able complete her mental math with Speed and Accuracy


Natalia is now able to complete her mental math with Speed and Accuracy.

I started in school, afraid to tell the teachers that I didn’t understand what they were teaching in Math class. Until one day, in fourth grade, when I had a Math test, and my score was 52. I got home and I told my parents to get me help with Math. My mom did some research and decided to enroll me in Kumon of Madison. At Kumon, I took a test to determine my starting point and I have been going to the center twice a week ever since.

All the instructors at the center are very nice and supportive. Now I have built myself up to a very good place and I am doing very well in Math. My Math scores in 5th grade have all been A’s something I never thought possible. I now confidently ask questions at school when I do not understand something. I am now confident and NOT afraid anymore.Thank you Kumon of Madison for giving me the skills to succeed in school!

Sofia's Story

Sofia M - updated

Sofia's Kumon Love Story

My name is Sofia M and I am 7 years old. I joined Kumon in Madison, NJ, when I was 5. I felt very welcomed by all the teachers, people who grade your work, Ms. Wai, Mr. Kit, and everyone! When I moved to the independent section, I felt independent. I started with counting apples, and moved on to additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, long divisions, super long divisions, and here I am now! I am Beginning fractions at 7 years old, 3 levels above my grade level. I learned that 10 minutes a day doesn’t take out much of your day and 10 minutes a day brings you a long way. Kumon is a great and enormous advantage for me at school.

Update as of January 2025: I joined Kumon of Madison when I was in third grade and was really enjoying it! By third grade, I was two grade levels ahead of my current grade in math, and math in school was a breeze for me. However, as I became busier with more activities and sports, I ended up leaving Kumon. Throughout all of fourth and fifth grade math, I realized how much Kumon knowledge had really helped me and how much of the Kumon knowledge I was using at school every day. Right before starting sixth grade, as I loved math, I realized that I missed that extra daily challenge of doing math 15-30 minutes every day. I also missed gaining more useful mathematical knowledge that would help me in the future. I am now back at Kumon of Madison, even though I live 30 minutes away, but the option to switch to virtual worksheets and classes has really been a lifesaver. Like I said when I was 7 years old, "10 minutes a day doesn't take out much of your day and 10 minutes a day brings you a long way." I am so glad to be back at Kumon of Madison and can't wait to keep learning! I like to thank Mr. Nic, Mr. Kit, and the entire staff for always being very supportive and a pleasure to work with.