Unleash your Child's Hidden Potential...
At Kumon of Malton in Mississauga, we encourage independent learning to help empower your children and unlock their exceptional abilities. Our instructors understand that each child is unique and a distinct learning style is required to help every individual child succeed. That is why at Kumon of Malton, we provide each child with the opportunity to explore and discover their own personal approach to learning. The Kumon Method has successfully been helping students all over the world for over 50 years and has enabled over 16 million students to unleash their true potential and become self-reliant learners.
How does Kumon Work?
The Kumon process begins by tailoring an individualized learning plan for your child that is specifically designed to help them progress through the work at their own pace. Instructors closely monitor your child's progress and make the necessary adjustments. All tests and homework sheets completed by students are carefully graded and students are given opportunities to engage in one-on-one discussions with their instructors to gain further insight on their work. At Kumon, we make sure students are provided with guidance to help them set realistic goals that provide them with both challenge and growth.
Why Choose Kumon of Malton?
At Kumon of Malton
- We place emphasis on establishing a strong learning foundation for our students. This helps build confidence and a sense of empowerment in your child giving them the motivation to tackle advanced challenges as they progress through the program.
- We ensure that students learn at an individual pace. This helps students feel academically stimulated but not overwhelmed.
- At Kumon, we help to break down the learning process into manageable steps enabling children to set and achieve goals while becoming self-sufficient and motivated learners.
To gain further insights into Kumon and determine if this program is suitable for your child, book a free consultation above or contact us at [email protected] or 289-328-1222. We look forward to hearing from you soon!