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About the Instructor


As an extensively trained and certified professional instructor, I serve as a mentor who guides your children through their work while also providing direction, support and encouragement. By creating an at-home study plan in addition to monitoring classroom assignments, I emphasize the importance of accurately completing each assignment within a designated time frame. This has helped many of my students increase self confidence, thus becoming more self reliant. Like so many other Kumon instructors, I have true passion for education and an earnest desire to help children succeed.

Biography and Background


My passion for becoming a Kumon Instructor started shortly after I had my first and only child 10 years ago. I started working with my daughter on my own, when she was only a year old. At twelve months, she could recite numbers 1- 20 in order. That to most of our family and others who met her was truly amazing. They were amazed and awestruck that such a young child could do that.

She then went on to reading books at the tender age of 3. That astonished most folks as well. Therefore, when I later heard about Kumon I felt that if I had such great success with my daughter on my own, then using the Kumon Method I could help many more children as well. That started my journey to what is now a very fulfilling and rewarding career at my own Kumon Center in North Attleboro.

I have degrees in Electrical Engineering and Microbiology, a unique combination that successfully integrates math and life skills. Something that we work greatly on at Kumon. I have had 13 plus successful years  as a professional in research and finance at Fortune 500 companies such as Amgen, American Express and Bank of America, managing a portfolio of 100 million dollars. Something was always missing though. I have always loved being around children, whether its in a more playful or academic setting. So, when this opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it with both arms.

I am excited to be part of Kumon's world renowned Math and Reading Program. Additionally, I am determined to create an atmosphere where in one develops intelligent study habits, solidifies the basics of reading and math and improves self-discipline. The confidence that one develops after the mastery of basic skills and the sense of accomplishment, that follows such mastery, can not only propel each child to learn more, but also enhance one's ability to influence other children in the community.
In summary, I want to develop students who are confident and independent both inside and outside the classroom. Children who master basic math and reading skills and are committed to enhancing their abilities are bound to create better communities. I am convinced that my education and experience, combined with the proven Kumon Method of Learning will be the critical force in instilling not only the fundamental math and reading skills but also enormous self-confidence and character to be successful in any undertaking that the enrolled child might take on.

In the past 6 years, I have had many success stories with the children that I have already worked with. I have seen and worked with all types of students, the over achievers and the remedial. At Kumon we cater to both ends of the spectrum. Since we have our own Kumon curriculum, if your child is bored in school, they can place higher in our program and get the challenge that they are looking for. If they struggle, we can place them at a more comfortable starting point, where there are no gaps and they will push forward from there.

Whatever your personal situation is, the Kumon Center of North Attleboro can help, so please give us a call.

Training and Certification

Ketty Karanam is a Kumon certified Instructor in both math and reading. She is certified to work with preschool children counting 1-10 to college aged chidren doing calculus and beyond. In the reading program, she is certified again to work with preschool children still learning how to read to helping high school and college aged children analyze Shakespeare.