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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Shiloh and Ben

Shiloh and Ben

Our very own Shiloh received a perfect score on her MAP state assessment tests! Shiloh's mom told us that Shiloh was taking this news in stride because she already knew she would score well as the test was no big deal to her! She knew all the answers because she had studied  the material at Kumon! Shiloh's teachers however were ecstatic and the news was all over the school at what a wonderful accomplishment this was! Shiloh is completing the fourth grade this year and is an Advanced Honor Roll student! She has been attending our center for almost two years! We had no doubt she was going to score high on her assessment and getting a perfect score is AMAZING! WAY TO GO SHILOH!

One more thing- Shiloh's younger brother Ben, currently in 1st grade, also did great on his assessments and went all the way up to multiplication even though he has mastered up to addition in Kumon. When asked how he figured out how to multiply, Ben answered "it's easy, it's all about grouping, so if it says 2x3 I know it's 3 3, so I just add them!" Higher level thinking at play! We love it! Way to go Ben!

Kumon Of Olathe Spelling Bee Champions


Congratulations to Kireeti for being our 2018 Spelling Bee Champion! Currently in 6th grade, Kireeti is working above grade level in reading. His mother says he was confident he was going to win because he likes to read. Kireeti is an honor roll student and has been attending Kumon for two years. His goal is complete the program and be able to take AP reading and writing in high school! Kireeti is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and wants to be a doctor. Kireeti received a trophy and $150 dollars for winning this year's spelling bee! 

We also want to congratulate our other 2018 spelling bee winners for winning their level tier...

Ziyan, currently in Kindergarten, won the Early Learner level competition by spelling words such as "hatch" and "palm". Ziyan is a current math and reading student working 2 years above his grade level and set to work on high school levels by 6th grade! 

Suhas is a 2nd grade current Kumon math and reading student and is the 2018 winner of our level 1 spelling bee! Suhas not only won this year's spelling bee, but was also our Early Learner spelling bee champion last year! Suhas is currently working above grade level in both subjects and says he cannot wait to win every year!

Soham, currently in 4th grade, is our 2018 level 2 spelling bee winner! Soham has been a Kumon math student for the past 2 years. He is working 2 years above grade level in math and says although he prefers to read, Kumon has helped him understand math so much better! Soham was also last year's level one spelling bee winner and like Suhas, says he will work hard to win every year! 

Each of our winners received $50 and a trophy for winning! Way to go!