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About the Instructor


Kumon Instructors are trained and certified through a comprehensive system which empowers them to facilitate the Kumon Method to each student. Instructors carefully prepare homework and classwork assignments to ensure students stay in the right level of challenge and manageable amount of work so they can get the best in Kumon. Furthermore, we, as Kumon Instructors, are available all the time to provide the directions and support, as well as share concerns and your child's progress. We are eager to apply our passion and training to make the greatest contribution to your child's future success.

Biography and Background

Monica profile pic

I received my master’s degree in Mission and Intercultural Studies along with a master degree level certificate of TESOL (Teaching English As a Second Language) in 1999. I taught adult ESL in Truman College until I changed my career to become a certified Kumon Instructor in 2005. It has been more than 14 years since becoming a Kumon Instructor, but I am still seeking to learn everyday just like my students through various Kumon voluntary study groups and to continue to be the best Kumon Instructor possible.

Training and Certification

I went through a very intensive initial Kumon Method training in 2005 and follow-up training in 2007. A year later, I received my Kumon full license for both Math and Reading. I have joined various Kumon Chicago Branch affiliated VSG (Voluntary Study Group) and WSG (Worksheet Study Group) up to now.

I, myself, have personally completed the entire Math and Reading Programs twice.