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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Medhansh and his dreams

Medhansh has always loved to read. As an inquisitive 4 year-old, his introduction to the Kumon Reading Program further developed his passion for books. Progressing through the word, sentence, and paragraph building blocks of the program, Medhansh eventually found himself studying Kumon material years above his grade level.

To keep him motivated as he reached the higher levels of the program, his Kumon Instructor Srividya worked closely with him and his parents. Collectively, they arrived at a study plan that kept his progress moving forward and motivation continuously high.

Before his 9th birthday, Medhansh completed the entire Kumon Reading Program! From fiction to non-fiction, math books to dictionaries – he has yet to come across a book that doesn’t spark his curiosity. Medhansh frequently composes short stories and poems as he reflects upon what he has read.

Now as a student in the Kumon Math Program, Medhansh is connecting the work he does in Kumon with his success in school. "Math is super easy for me in school," says Medhansh. "I’m glad I keep doing Kumon today." Although he recalls the time he spent studying multiplication and division in Kumon, he’s more focused these days on the higher levels he currently studies, which cover factorization and fractional expressions.

Medhansh’s mom is convinced that Kumon has developed his focus and concentration to do his school assignments faster, giving him extra time to be involved in other extracurricular activities. "Medhansh is an avid swimmer and plays classical Indian violin. When he grows up, he wants to be a marine biologist and an author. He frequently makes book recommendations to his Kumon Instructor and perhaps it will be kismet when she reads one of his books someday." 

This young student now stands confident knowing that challenges are merely steps to greater rewards.

Abhishek is synonymous with focus

Abhi's success story

Abhi, as he is fondly called, loves math, and taekwondo, and swimming, and...well, you get the picture. He has been a student at the Kumon of Lowell since January of 2010. He is currently going to 4th grade and is already doing algebraic equations in math. His parents are so happy with his performance in math, they are keen that he should also do the reading program.

One of the main things that Abhi has learned from Kumon is to focus on his work. You will rarely see him look up from his work. Also, his parents say that he gets his Kumon and school work done on his own. He rarely needs to be reminded. Abhi did not get to this stage miraculously. The instructor, Ms. Srividya, has spent many hours working with him and his parents by supporting them on how to help Abhi develop these skills on his own.

Abhi's next goal - calculus.

Algebra by 5th Grade

Siddhi, a fifth grader at Bellview Elementary, joined Kumon in June of 2010 and has already become a completer of Level G, mastering basic algebra, positive and negative numbers,as well as linear equations. Her mom says, “She likes the challenge of solving math problems, especially algebra.  It has helped her build responsibility and a routine schedule.  She has also been able to remove her fear of taking tests.” Siddhi loves to write her own stories and enjoys Science, English and Math at school. “She never really loved Math, until after Kumon.” 

Siddhi was also a Spelling Bee Champ at her school and got 9th place at regional.  She is also a member of the Quiz Bowl Team and has been presented with academic achievement awards as well. In the future, she hopes to be an Animal Behavior Consultant or work with mammals.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank her parents, Vandana and Subra, for bringing her regularly to our center since June 2010. We applaud their dedication to Kumon and extend our congratulations to them on their daughter’s achievement.

A letter from Liam's parents

Dear Srividya,
I just wanted to write to tell you how my son Liam has been helped through the Kumon curriculum and method. As you know we home school, and our son had been struggling with math. He began to hate doing it and had become stressed out over it. My husband and I had discussed seeking someone who could help him, and we discussed Kumon.

After meeting with you and attending the orientation we felt that you would be able to help. Our son has been a student in the math program for 7 months and we've already seen a dramatic improvement. He's gone from making F's to making A's and B's in math. He is able to add and subtract quickly (by way of mental math) which he had difficulty doing before. And I don't observe the anxiety any longer which he expressed before when doing his mathematics. I've also noticed that his understanding of multiplication and fractions are improving as well. He is enjoying math now.

I also wanted to add that since he began the reading program at Kumon just a few months ago his understanding of sentence structure and other parts of grammar have improved tremendously as well. Kevin and I are so pleased and impressed with his progress. You and your staff have done so much to help Liam with gaining confidence in his ability to do math and reading. He is working in his subjects very well independently. Thank you so much for your excellent instruction and encouragement.

Kevin and Kathryn B.
Dated: October, 2010