Jill Cohen, Owner
When I was seven years old, my parents brought my older sister and I to a Kumon Math and Reading Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. At the time, I didn't see why I was there. Math had been easy for me and my grades were just fine, but my sister was falling behind in her math class, at risk of failing 5th grade because of it, and things were about to get harder for her. Nevertheless, our parents enrolled both of us into Kumon, knowing it could only help me become better at math.
Since that fateful day more than 25 years ago, Kumon has been a part of my life in one way or another. At 7 years old, I started the Kumon Math program at 2A to become faster with my basic mental calculations. By 13 years old, I was working along side my older sister as a grader at our Kumon Center, while continuing to work on my pre-algebra G Level packets daily. At 20, I began working at a second center in the reading program, and a few years afterwards was able to help start up the Early Learners program with the center.
I took a four year break from working at a center when I moved out of state, but during that time I got to experience Kumon as a parent. I watched my children thrive in the classroom because of the advanced work they were doing because of Kumon.
Kumon has been part of my life for over 25 years and I hope to help your students develop a Love of Learning!