Aindrila Dutta has been a certified Kumon Instructor since 2008 and possesses a strong understanding of the Kumon Method of learning. With her guidance and encouragement, students maintain their sense of confidence in their daily studies. This has helped many of the students increase their self-confidence, thus becoming more self-reliant. She continues to be inspired by every student's progress in the program and enjoys seeing students fully engaged in their learning journeys.
Aindrila has a degree in public policy from Roosevelt University in Chicago. This has fueled her passion for helping students succeed in the Kumon Program. Her Kumon journey started with her becoming a certified Kumon Instructor in 2008. Her passion is education, and it shows in her dedication to each student’s unique progress. Aindrila has been deeply involved in helping several students achieve program completion throughout her career of leading and managing the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Wauconda. Her commitment to teaching good work skills and work ethics has helped her students succeed and become confident, lifelong learners. Aindrila has served in executive roles at several non-profit organizations in the Chicago area.