Meera's Story
I started the Kumon math program in second grade. Within a couple of months, any troubles I had with school work vanished. This filtered into my three years of middle school as well; I never had any difficulty grasping concepts, doing my homework, or taking tests. Through revision and repetition, until the concept set in, Kumon not only instilled in me the basic principles of math, but also a work ethic and an understanding of more difficult forms of math— including calculus— all before I entered high school.
I was successful with Kumon because it worked with my ability rather than my age. After reinforcing basic concepts, I had the confidence and knowledge I needed to go forward and challenge myself with harder material. This motivated me to join the Kumon reading program in fifth grade. Because of the work skills I gained while studying math, I was able to complete the entire Reading program (studying high school and college level literature) in just two years, while I was still in seventh grade. My standardized test scores in reading comprehension rose and I found myself able to read and understand books that I had previously thought were too hard for me.
Kumon not only increased my confidence in the center, but in the classroom as well. In fact, when I took my first practice ACT and started the reading comprehension section, I could draw similarities between the questions asked and something I might find in a Kumon packet. Kumon gave me the kind of hands-on repetition and practice that I needed; my Instructor would sit with me as longs as I needed to make sure that I fully understood what I was doing. Even though I am now a Reading program completer of the Wauconda Kumon Center, the benefits will continue to help me each day in the classroom.
Adithi's Journey in Kumon
I started both the Kumon Math and Reading program at the age of 5. Since then, I can never think of a time when Kumon wasn’t beneficial for me. Kumon starts by setting a strong foundation, both in math and reading, teaching skills like counting numbers, addition, subtraction, sight words, sentence formation, and spelling. These helpful skills have now given me the ability to do advanced high school level math and comprehend complex readings like Shakespeare. The staff members take the time to examine the students’ progress and work with each student individually. They look at the students’ levels and give them the right sets of worksheets to complete until they grasp the concepts.
Kumon has also been very helpful for taking standardized tests like the MAP test and the PSAT. In these tests, all the concepts they covered had been ones that I have performed and mastered at Kumon, making the tests easier and increasing my score. Kumon made classes in school less difficult as well. In reading, many of the books that we read in class had already been covered in Kumon, making class very easy. In math, Kumon had already covered all the skills before, so I was able to complete my schoolwork with no hassle. This resulted in me taking advanced math and reading classes in middle school and honors and AP classes now in high school.
Currently, I am a Reading program completer, staff member at the Wauconda Kumon Center, and close to completing the Math program. Being a student and a staff member, I have learned so much, not just educationally. Kumon has been so beneficial to me in so many ways and continues to be so every day. Even after all these years, my Kumon instructors are very helpful and know exactly what to do when I need help. Kumon is such an amazing experience in my life and has been a great opportunity.
Sushitha 's journey
My name is Sushitha. I finished the reading program in 2020 while in 7th grade and completed through level N in the Kumon Math Program. Thanks to Kumon Program. Math has always been my strong subject, even though it is not my favorite one. I have always had a love for reading and writing and it has matured over the years while being involve in the Kumon Program.
At times, I have faced difficulties in handling the material but the Kumon Program has always helped me in the long run. Under the guidance of Mrs. Aindrila Dutta, Kumon has helped me to be confident in what I do over the years. I am not hesitant to answer a question even if I get it wrong. Kumon has given me a learning experience that I am extremely grateful for. I have learned so much from Kumon and the instructors at Wauconda Kumon Center, both Mrs. Aindrila and Mrs. Sally, have taught me beyond I can imagine. They are very-patient and kind. No matter how much I am struggling with my assignment, they are always willing to help me to understand the concept.
Last summer I got accepted into the Kumon Student Conference of North America 2020. Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 pandemic situation, the Kumon Student Conference was held virtually but never the less, it was extremely educational and inspiring for all of us, those who attended. The participants were very motivational and very comfortable to talk to. I had so much fun and learned a lot of new things. Kumon has helped many important aspects of my education and I’m forever thankful to Kumon Program. I am a proud Kumon student!!!!