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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Ryleigh, April Student of the Month

Ryleigh SotM

Finally! After an interesting couple of weeks, I am back to show another star student!

Ryliegh is one of KAW's star students, and she is our student of the month for April!

Ryliegh's reading ability has improved drastically since she started with us. She has improved so much so that she is now reading to our students over Zoom during Kumon reading nights.

Even though she is just in first grade, Ryleigh is already in level D reading and works hard to keep her Kumon skills just as fresh as her school and extracurricular skills.

Please join me in congratulating our student of the month for April, Ryliegh Plichta!

Instructor Kiko Steinbarth on the Kumon Learning Method

Instructor Kiko Yoshikawa Steinbarth is fond of sharing her first experience with Kumon, which took place in her native Japan while she was in high school. “I was always an extremely dedicated, competitive student. I strived to be the best in my class in my schoolwork and on tests. However, there was another student who always received better test scores than me, no matter how hard I studied! I finally asked her for her secret, and she replied she had been going Kumon for the majority of her academic career. This planted the seed for learning more about the Kumon Method, a program in which I am now a great believer.” 

Chloe Student of the Month

Chloe SotM Feb

Chloe Han is our Student of the Month for February! 

She is only in 2nd Grade Kumon and has already reached reading level Dll and achieved ASHR Gold.

Mandarin Chinese is her first language, but her English is impeccable. She told me that she works so hard to learn how to speak, read and write a second language because she wants to stay and eventually work in the US. 

She also told me that the hardest part of learning a different language for her has been learning and memorizing vocabulary. She uses her highlighter often and works hard to look up words that she does not understand. 

Chloe is already in level Dll, while only being in the 2nd grade and speaking Chinese at home, and she attends every Zoom lesson! 

Congratulations to her and her family!

Sriram Student of the Month

Sriram Y

Our Kumon Center is proud to present another couple of wonderful, award winning students. Our two students of the month for the month of January are: Sriram Yalavarthy and Anderson Bui! 

Sriram Yalavarthy is one of the few Kumon students to achieve the award of "J by 6", which means that he has reached level J in the Kumon program before the end of his 6th grade year. Sriram is a 5th grader doing Algebra II math work, which is completely incredible. 

Sriram also has such great understanding and skill that he does not attend Zoom classes. He is teaching himself solely on his own (minus the instruction from the program and worksheets). I asked him about this and he just said that he didn't need the Zoom session.

Anderson, Student of the Month

Anderson Bui

Our Kumon Center is proud to present another couple of wonderful, award winning students. Our two students of the month for the month of January are: Anderson Bui and Sriram Yalavarthy! 

Anderson has a really good work ethic when it comes to his determination to get his work done. I asked him about his dedication to finish his work everyday and he just told me that he knew he "had to do it", so he always gets it done. He always seems to find a solution when it comes to getting it done. 

Anderson also made ASHA in math (which is an award that Kumon Corporate gives out to select students, so please help us in celebrating his hard work and subsequent achievement.

Kensie November Student of the Month Zoom

Kensie Krause

Our Zoom Class Student of the Month for November 2020 is Kensington Krause! 

Kensie has been chosen for this designation due to her perseverance and hard work. The entire Krause family helped Kensie advance a whole level in under two months. She and Ms. Kiko worked over Zoom for a full four days out of the week for six weeks. Kensie was able to power through this hectic work schedule and was able to move up as well. 

When I asked her about working so consistently and fervently, she seemed to think it wasn't a very big deal. She told me that she did her homework every day anyway, so that it actually ended up being easier for her to stay on track. 

Kensie also discussed with me how practicing math at home is helping her in school. Even though they are working on different things in her grade, she told me that she is starting to understand some of the connections between her Kumon math and her school math. 

Please join me in congratulating this hardworking family!

November Student of the Month

Allison A 1

Allison Almquist is our pick for Student of the Month for November! 

Her down to earth attitude and strong work ethic made her a super easy pick. Although she is doing math work below her school grade level, she takes it in stride and completes her work extremely quickly, sometimes too fast for me or other assistants to keep up. 

She has also recently begun the reading program with us. She and her mom both claim that reading and writing are her passions and it's already showing for us. It isn't easy to do both subjects in Kumon, but Allison has jumped in. 

She told me that even though her math in school is different from her Kumon work that it was still helping her out in her education. She also took the time to tell me that some of her favorite standbys for reading were the Harry Potter series and a few others. She said the first and last books were the best. 

Congratulations to Allison! Thank you for your humble and positive attitude and your willingness to work with us!

Anurag: Doing Algebra in the 1st Grade


Our very excellent Zoom student for November is Anurag! Anurag is still in elementary school, but he is one of our most advanced students in the Kumon Program. He's received an award for reaching level G by the end of his 1st grade year. That's incredible! I was able to catch up with this star student and ask him some questions regarding his experience with Kumon. Anurag told me that he wants to be a doctor, which is partly why he works so hard with us. He's also very driven because he said he likes to be ahead of his peers and he enjoys school more because of how much he knows and understands. 

Please join me in congratulating Anurag on his achievement. We hope he continues to grow with us in the future. 

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more updates like this. Our November Students of the Month will be showcased shortly after Thanksgiving break!

Abigail's Amazing Work Eithic


Hello Kumon students and parents! Twice a month, our Kumon Center showcases an exceptional student - one from our physical class and one from Zoom. This month’s physical class student is Abigail! 

Abby is a student at a local middle school and joined the Kumon Program just this year. In fact, she’s only been with us since August! Despite her short time with us, we’ve noticed extraordinary progress with her math skills, specifically her hard work. I got the chance to talk to Abby and I asked her a few questions regarding her Kumon experience. She told me that going all the way back down to simple addition has helped her greatly both in and out of school. Even though she’s working on far more advanced problems in school, she suggested that Kumon has heightened her focus, confidence and general math skill. Her mother agreed with her as well. It’s incredible to me that Abby has such a strong work ethic, completing two levels already and hundreds of problems for homework every day. We hope her skills continue to grow as she keeps learning and studying hard. Congrats Abby! 

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more updates like this. Our November Students of the Month will be showcased shortly after Thanksgiving break!