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About the Center


Welcome to our Kumon Math and Reading Center. For more than 60 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has helped children achieve success worldwide. We strive to instill in children the desire to achieve and the motivation to learn on their own. Whether your child is seeking enrichment, needs help catching up or is just beginning his or her academic career, Kumon is designed to help him or her develop a love of learning.

Students advance through the program at their own pace. Our emphasis on individualized learning helps your child become focused, motivated and self-reliant. We monitor each child’s progress to ensure comprehension before moving on to a new concept. With a strong academic foundation, critical thinking and problem solving abilities, your child has the potential to achieve whatever he or she desires.

The Kumon Math Program is a comprehensive curriculum that develops the necessary skills to help children progress from counting through calculus. For more information about the Kumon Math Program.

The Kumon Reading Program begins with basic phonics and progresses all the way through advanced reading comprehension. For more information about the Kumon Reading Program.

Price and Fees

Tuition: $190 per subject (Math or Reading) per month
Registration fee: $80
Material fee: $30


Kumon of Boynton Beach - Central

Center Information

(Revised November 2023)

This local Kumon Center was established in April 2004.  Over the years we have revised our center information to keep up with the educational needs of the Boynton Beach community and the ever-changing economic environment.  We remain committed to supporting our students in their educational goal of reaching their fullest potential.

It is important to remember that Kumon is a long-term program focusing on not only academic skills but also work skills, study skills, and organizational skills. You and your student have committed to participate in the program as instructed. We have committed to assist by providing an individualized lesson plan.

If your student cannot attend a class at their scheduled time, please call us and let us know so that we can pull out the work and have it readily available for you to pick up at your convenience or mark absent. Remember, every time your child misses class and doesn’t do their classwork or homework, it slows down their progress.

We must all remember that Kumon is a daily commitment.  Each student and parent are encouraged to find a convenient time to do their Kumon worksheets each day.  Completing the worksheets at the same time every day forms good work skills and self-study/learning skills which are essential to students of all ages.  Our motto in this center is: ONCE A DAY, EVERY DAY!

The Kumon of Boynton Beach - Central class days and hours are Tuesdays and Fridays (2:30 pm to 6:30 pm). All students can participate on both class days but must come at least one day per week and keep a consistent schedule.  Class sessions close out 30 minutes before closing to allow ample classroom study time. 

Our center charges a one-time registration fee of $80 and a one-time material fee of $30.  Our monthly tuition is $190 per subject. Tuition is due on the same date every month and is invoiced one week before the due date for prompt payment. We offer an autopay service for your convenience in paying promptly. We do not accept cash or checks. Tuition is subject to change with ample notice given.

Should you choose to exit our program, a 30-day written notice must be given to avoid unnecessary charges. There are NO refunds. Monetary credits will remain on a student's center file for 24 months before forfeiting.

We appreciate your patronage and look forward to working with you and your student so they may reach their fullest potential with the help of our Kumon math and reading supplemental education program.
