Kumon of Flushing South offers in center as well as virtual classes.
Kumon of Flushing South offers Kumon Connect
Kumon of Flushing South have extended class days and hours to limit number of students at a time.
Kumon of Flushing South: expect students to adhere to their schedule time twice a week to ensure that there are not too many students at one time at the center
If you are trying to set up a Parent Orientation appointment in the self-
scheduler and the available times do not work for you, please contact us directly at [email protected] or call 917.593.9373 and we will do our best to assist you in a timely manner to schedule a session which would be convenient for you.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT KIDS FROM "A MARIJUANA OR ANY OTHER DRUG SMOKING HOUSEHOLD" due to severe allergic reaction to staff and health issues to other students.