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About the Instructor


Hello! My name is Dolly Mohan and I am the instructor at the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Glen Ellyn - North.

As an extensively trained and certified professional instructor, I serve as a mentor who guides your children through their work while also providing direction, support and encouragement. I create an at-home study plan in addition to monitoring classroom assignments, and I emphasize the importance of accurately completing each assignment within a designated time frame. This has helped many of my students increase self-confidence, thus becoming more self-reliant. Like all Kumon Instructors, I have a true passion for education and an earnest desire to help children succeed.

Biography and Background

Instructor Photo

Instructor: Mrs. Dolly Mohan

Mrs. Dolly Mohan has been a Kumon Instructor since 1993.

She has always believed in the importance of education. As a parent, she knew that she wanted her children to have the best opportunities in life. One day, she opened the newspaper and saw a large article about Kumon. After inquiring, she enrolled her son in hopes of giving him every academic advantage she could to prepare him for high school. She soon saw that he was able to complete his math and reading work more quickly and with greater accuracy. The timed daily homework helped to build his concentration and stamina that helped him in all other subjects, as well as with the many tests he would take throughout his schooling. Now, many years later, he is an orthopedic surgeon, and he attributes much of his success to the life skills he gained with Kumon.   

Seeing the success of her son's progress through Kumon, she decided to share this program with others and give more families the opportunity to experience the benefits. She passionately believes that all students can benefit from Kumon, not only in terms of math and reading skills, but also in building their self-confidence and self-learning skills.

Training and Certification

In addition to more than two decades of experience as a Kumon Instructor, I have a Bachelors degree in Economics.

As a certified Kumon Instructor, I have gone through extensive training in the Kumon Method and continue to participate in ongoing trainings and learning opportunities, so that I can continue to improve my ability to help each student at the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Glen Ellyn - North to reach their full potential.