Abriti- Kumon of Jersey City- Journal Square

"Hello, my name is Abriti and I’m a slightly introverted kind of person. Generally, I take time to adjust myself in a new environment and try hard to make new friends. I love to read books and play keyboard during my off time. Travelling is my passion. Twice, I’ve received
Presidential awards for my academic excellence while graduating from elementary school in 2017 and middle school in 2020. I was accepted into the middle school acceleration and enrichment program and elected as Valedictorian for my middle school class. With the help of my Kumon studies I was able to achieve the below awards:
a. Silver medal at Jersey City Science Fair (2017-18)
b. Bronze medal at Hudson County Science Fair and school science fair (2017-18)
c. First place winner of "Marist High School Math Competition" at Hudson County.
d. First place in Hudson County 6th Grade Math Championship" , group level Gold Medalist.
e. First place in Math at "Marist High School Scholastic (7th Grade) Olympics".
f. Middle school valedictorian from Academy 1 Middle School (class of 2020)
g. School Science Fair winner 2019-2020
My family moved, to the United States of America, in May 2016 when I was in 5th grade. It was a difficult time for me since I was not good with reading, writing, and speaking English. Kumon helped me to acquire proficiency in English. It also helped to develop my interest in reading English Literature. Kumon worksheets also helped to develop my writing skills, my time management skills, and solving critical thinking math problems.
I would like to advise my fellow students to spend at least 30 minutes per day to solve Kumon
worksheets. It will help them to stay well ahead of their respective grades and will also help them for competitive exams."
“Kumon significantly helped Abriti to excel in both Reading-Writing and Math. She always stays well ahead in school, compared to most of her peers, and also scores significantly well in
competitive exams. Abriti is extremely grateful to her Kumon Instructors” - Abriti’s Dad
Vyvy- Kumon of Jersey City- Journal Square

“Hello, I’m Vyvy, currently I am in 5th grade. A year ago, I decided to start my journey with Kumon.
During my studies, Kumon has helped me to understand new concepts easily. This has helped me get better in school and now I am ahead of what my peers are studying in class. At Kumon, I study math (pre-algebra) and reading (complex comprehension). Both of these topics are middle school material. Kumon lets me study at my own pace and doesn’t hold me back.
Since I started attending Kumon I have achieved honor roll every marking period! My advice to my fellow students would be to always aim for something higher. Once you learn your grade level work continue to work for harder and higher levels.
My goal in the future is to keep studying hard so I can become a doctor to make the world a more beautiful and prosperous place!”
“Kumon has helped my child by teaching her new material. It was my best choice as a parent to choose Kumon, and provide the best learning to my daughter”. – Vyvy’s father.
Aastha- Kumon of Jersey City- Journal Square

My name is Aastha, and I am a sixth grader. I joined Kumon when I was around the age of three. Kumon has helped me become very good at mathematics, and a hobby of mine is playing chess. I like playing chess because you need to use strategy and wit to win, which are skills people need in the world to be successful.
From the day I started my first packet, Kumon has helped me grow as a thinker and has helped me tremendously in not only basic subjects such as simple arithmetic and language arts, but has also helped me advance farther than most kids my age. Kumon has also helped me maintain high grades for over 6 years.
COVID-19 has made millions of students adapt to new learning conditions, including myself. Nevertheless, Kumon’s amazing team created new ways for their students to learn in this unprecedented situation. I still attend weekly Zoom classes with Kumon, and even if learning through the screen has limited our resources, I have still been able to learn new things. Kumon doesn’t only push you to excel at your regular subjects, but it also pushes you even farther to learn concepts you would probably start learning in high school or even college. No matter how hard a problem might seem to you, there will always be a way to solve it. Kumon taught me it just takes time to find it.
“Kumon has instilled the discipline and has shown us that progress is achieved in small daily increments. It has shown us that as long as we are willing any and every level is achievable. It has definitely made understanding and acing school grades easy. It has given us the confidence that we can understand and master any topic.” - Aastha’s Dad
Anmol- Kumon of Jersey City- Journal Square
My name is Anmol, I am 12 years old, I joined Kumon when I was four and have been in the program for eight years now. One of my academic achievements is winning my class spelling bee five years in a row. I also am in the AEP program, and have had perfect attendance since first grade too. I have received honor rolls, spelling bee awards, and perfect attendance awards too. Kumon has taught me certain concepts ahead of time, which helped me easily get good grades in school. My advice would be to learn as much as you can from Kumon and put that knowledge into learning harder things. Kumon has instilled the discipline and has shown me that progress is achieved in small daily increments. I have learned that as long as I am willing, and don’t give up, any and every level is achievable. I know Kumon will continue to help me with my goal with achieving good grades, enter a good high school, and a good college.