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Success  Stories


Our students, ranging from preschool through 12th grade, develop the skills that help them build upon each concept they learn. With individualized learning plans, motivation and practice, our center prepares students to become avid learners, encouraging success throughout their entire academic experience and beyond.


Miranda and her daughter Amelia's Story

Miranda and Amelia

Miranda was in the 3rd or 4th grade when her mom enrolled her in the Kumon Center near her home. She remembers how much she enjoyed the center and the worksheets. She attended Kumon even in high school. At 16, she was looking for her first job and was hired as an assistant at the center.  She fondly remembers walking from school to the center both to study and to work.  Miranda enjoyed the success Kumon brought her and the satisfaction of working there.  She left the job and her Kumon studies when she went to college where she earned an M.S. in Criminal Justice and Public Administration.

Today, Miranda has enrolled her 4 year daughter, Amelia at the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Kirkwood in both subjects.  It is so important to Miranda that Amelia become proficient in math and reading as she knows a solid foundation starts early.  We all are happily watching Amelia’s brain develop right before our eyes. Amelia’s joy of learning and her early habit of just-right study at just the right pace will lead to great joy and success!

Banwag's Story


Banwag enrolled in the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Kirkwood as a Kindergartner. His mom wanted a structured, individualized program to be sure he built strong decoding skills and later, reading comprehension skills.  In the fall of 7th grade, Banwag completed the Reading program.  He began at page 1 of 7A and 11,050 worksheets later, completed page 200 of Level L and aced the level completion test.

Banwag reflected on his journey in his own words:

Kumon helped me through school since it makes you look really deep in the reading, and it built the foundation for good study habits. It taught me to remember as much as I can about the passage before I answer, so I could come up with the answer faster. It made me read over and over again to get the perfect answer. In school, I read faster than most of the students, and I feel I have stronger answers than most of them. I would recommend the program to any one.

In the fall of 8th Grade, Banwag placed at a 12th grade reading level.  We are so proud of his spirit, diligence and achievement.



Jillian's Story

Jillian Sanders

Jillian enrolled in Math at the Kirkwood Center in the summer after 3rd grade. She began with review of addition and subtraction facts to build confidence and strength. As she finishes Level I going into high school, her 11th Kumon level, we celebrate her achievement as a math student and as a school leader. Her mom shares her story: 

"Although getting her to do the extra work has continued to be a struggle, I’m still glad that we’ve stuck with Kumon over the years. Her eighth grade math teacher paid her (and us) many compliments about her skills and considered her to be a leader in class – not only getting her work done efficiently, but helping others learn the methods of whatever unit they were on. Because he saw her in this light, I believe it was him who nominated her for a leadership role at her middle school that I hope will carry into high school with her."

Persistence is key to Jillian's success and she has developed math skill, satisfaction in a well earned test score, and the perseverance necessary to achieve long term success! We look forward to hearing about Jillian's future success stories!