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Center Resources


pdf Kumon+
Each month a student studies with us they receive special points that may later be redeemed for gifts of their choosing. Your student will receive their Kumon+ ID after 1 month of enrollment. Find out more here.
pdf Awards Kumon of Leawood Students Earn
Read this summary and learn all about how we reward our students and help them foster intrinsic motivation as they make progress in the Kumon curriculum.
pdf 4 Conversations to Have
Here are some useful conversations to have about school with your child. Included is a handy goal-setting sheet that can help them prioritize at the start of a new semester!


pdf Kumon of Leawood Policy FAQs
pdf Kumon Recommended Reading List
Use this handy list to ensure your child reads great content at the just-right level. If your child is a Kumon of Leawood reading student, find your child's current level and have them select a title to enjoy. If not enrolled in reading, book a parent orientation today to find out their level.