Advancing Beyond Grade Level

Thomas is a curious youngster, fascinated by rocks, animals and science. At eight years old, he has aspirations of becoming a scientist, venturing into the deep blue sea and discovering new creatures.
Thomas was four years old when his parents enrolled him in the Kumon Math Program. He persistently moved from one level to the next, mastering number sequence, the calculation of whole numbers, and fractions. His problem solving and reasoning abilities deepened and at age seven, he scored in the 98th percentile on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). By the time he reached third grade, Thomas was calculating algebraic expressions! He’s currently studying three years above grade level in the Kumon Math Program and is looking forward to completing the entire curriculum, which ends in calculus.
Thomas is acing math in school. The study habits he developed through the Kumon Program has made him accountable and more focused when he’s doing his homework.
“Kumon teaches him to depend on himself, to be more focused when he’s doing his homework and the best thing is that he is advanced in math at his school,” says Nader, his proud father. Nader also added that Thomas especially enjoys the challenge of doing his Kumon homework when he begins a new math level.
Thomas is two levels away from completing the Algebra II level in the Kumon Math Program. “I’m amazed to see him find mathematical connections and relations in math problems, even if it’s something he has never worked on before,” comments his Kumon Instructor, Kamal Kaur. Clearly, Thomas loves math and if he chooses to pursue it further, he can continue in Kumon’s advanced levels of math for program completers.
Until the time comes for him to bring his scientist dream to fruition, he continues to enjoy watching television, reading books, participating in church activities, winning marathon and basketball medals, and let’s not forget his Kumon Silver and Gold Medals for Math Achievement. Science is organized knowledge and Thomas certainly has his feet on the right path.