Early Education Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Student Resources

Early Education 

Instill a love for learning in your child through the Kumon Program.

A 4 year old practices her reading at a library

Why Parents Should Seek Reading Programs for 4-Year-Olds in Addition to Preschool

For many parents, sending children to preschool seems like a huge first step toward starting school. But is it enough? Do parents with children in preschool also need to enroll them in supplemental reading programs for 4-year-olds?

The answer may depend on a parent’s goals. Do they want their preschoolers to

A preschool student reviews yellow flash cards on a table with her mother

What are the First Sight Words A Child Learns? 

The first sight words a child learns are the most commonly used words in written texts. 

Thankfully, much of the process of learning sight words, often termed high-frequency words, has already been simplified and educationally mapped over the last century by literacy professionals, including Kumon. 

Importance of Sight

pre-school student studying to prepare herself

What Math Skills Do Children Need Before Kindergarten?

Parents need to keep the goal of setting a solid foundation for continued learning in mind when they consider, “What math skills do children need before kindergarten?”

Kindergarten is a big new challenge for kids. It’s often their first experience with structured learning. They will be introduced to many new concepts

a mother helping her son with basic Child Development Skills

Parent Guide to Child Development Skills

Parents of very young children are well-versed in monitoring child development skills and milestones. They are filled with emotion as they watch for a baby’s first real smile and notice them waving bye-bye. They keep a camera close at hand when an infant seems close to taking their first steps.