Everything You Need to Know About Kumon’s Parent Orientation

Whether you’ve already booked a Parent Orientation at your local Kumon Center or you’re still in the final decision-making stage, we are here to tell you everything you need to know about Kumon’s Parent Orientation. What is the orientation? What will happen there? What should you expect? No worries, we are here to answer your questions.

What is the Parent Orientation?

The Parent Orientation is an introductory meeting that provides your local Kumon Instructor the opportunity to learn more about you and your children. What interested you in Kumon? Does your child need help learning to read, do they need more practice with addition, or are you looking for a program to supplement their education? Whatever the reason, your Kumon Instructor will customize and tailor the conversation to your specific needs. He or she will give you an overview of the Kumon Program, discuss the math and reading curriculum, and show you how Kumon can help your child achieve their academic goals.

illustration of instructor showing curriculum to a family

What happens at the Parent Orientation?

At the Parent Orientation, your Instructor will give your child a Placement Test. This assessment will provide valuable insights into where your child currently stands in their learning. Based on the results of this assessment, your Instructor will then provide you with the details on where your child would start in Kumon and how they plan to create an individualized lesson plan to meet their needs. Your Instructor will show you the anticipated progress of your child and what you can expect to see them achieve in their first six months within the Kumon Program.

What else should I expect at the Parent Orientation?

Check out this short video, which gives you a glimpse into what you can expect at the Kumon Parent Orientation.

The Kumon Method has helped over 4 million students worldwide and it can help advance your child’s learning too! Visit www.kumon.com/locations to schedule you Parent Orientation.