How Developing Discipline in Kumon Helped This Student Succeed

Sarvagna Malladi, 11-years-old, Reading Program Completer, Level J Math
Sarvagna doesn’t believe in giving up. One of the most important things she’s learned in Kumon is discipline. She never skips an assignment or practice session, no matter how difficult or how busy she is. It’s that dedication and willfulness that helped Sarvagna complete the entire Kumon Reading Program by the 6th grade. The now 7th grader is currently studying high school level math in Kumon and hopes to complete the entire Kumon Math Program before the 9th grade.
Another benefit Sarvagna has gained from Kumon? Learning how to manage her time. This has been very helpful as she balances schoolwork with piano, swim, and soccer. It has also allowed her to pursue one of her passions, singing. Sarvagna has been studying Indian classical singing for seven years and has been selected several times to perform at cultural events and concerts. When she has a big performance coming up, Sarvagna sets and sticks to a practice schedule. Thanks to the focus she developed in Kumon, she doesn’t get distracted when she’s practicing, and no time is wasted. When it’s time to perform, she’s ready!
Because of her accomplishments and determination, Sarvagna was one of 56 students selected from thousands of applicants from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to attend Kumon’s 2018 Student Conference. We spoke with her about her Kumon journey.
What keeps you motivated in Kumon?

Sarvagna shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe
One thing that keeps me motivated in Kumon is that I have a specific goal which I strive to attain. Every year, there is an award ceremony, where I receive multiple awards for my accomplishments in math and reading. I then set my own sensible goal that I want to reach by the following year. Whenever I am stuck on a topic, I remember this goal, and that motivates me to either spend more time working on the problems or ask for help so that I master the topic.
How has Kumon helped you beyond academics?
Kumon has helped me beyond academics by reminding me that discipline really pays off. I have learned to plan my Kumon work around my classes, school tests and activities. This experience has also helped me beyond academics because when I have a big singing performance, I know how to set and stick to a schedule of daily practice. I have also developed the habit of working in approximately 30 minute chunks of time, and I can now complete my practice quickly because I don’t get distracted easily.
What advice do you have for other Kumon Students?
Don’t give up just because something is hard. If you think that you can’t do something, just keep trying