This Reading Program Completer Gained Confidence from Kumon

Ankit, 11-years-old, Math Level L & Reading Program Completer
Considered to be one of the most influential scientists of the 20th Century, Albert Einstein’s work paved the way for future groundbreaking discoveries and continues to inspire young scientists to make an impact on the world we live in today. He said, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
11-year-old Kumon Student Ankit not only looks to Einstein for inspiration, but he also embodies his natural sense of wonder, and never stops questioning the unknown.
For Ankit, his learning doesn’t stop when the school bell rings at the end of the day. His curiosity leads him to dive into books to try to understand the way the universe works. With a dream of becoming a physicist, Ankit credits Kumon for giving him the confidence and ability to learn independently.
“In Kumon, I’ve become more independent and this applies out of the classroom as well,” said Ankit. “I’ve also learned that my success relies on me, and no one else. To be successful and to help you move forward, you have to truly understand the formulas behind things and how they work. Kumon has given me the ability to think that way.”
Ever since Ankit enrolled in Kumon when he was just five years old, he has been focused on the goals that lie ahead. Before entering middle school, Ankit successfully completed the Kumon Reading Program. His love for reading was fueled by Kumon, and he can now say he has already analyzed high school level literature. Determined to also complete the Kumon Math Program, Ankit is impressively working with logarithmic equations and developing skills to solve derivatives.
Ankit has taken his knowledge to the competitive level. He was selected to represent his school at the 2018-2019 North Carolina Science Fair and was awarded Honorable Mention for his work. When he is not coming up with a new scientific discovery, Ankit enjoys writing and maintaining a blog comprised of poems, short stories, and even has a book in the works!
“I want to be a physicist when I grow up because I want to find out the secrets and the workings of the universe,” said Ankit. “I also want to be a writer because I want to create worlds like the ones in the sci-fi books I read.”
What do you enjoy most about Kumon?
I enjoy the independence that Kumon has given me. It gives me the ability to learn concepts on my own. It doesn’t outright give me the answer. Instead, it drops little hints that lead me to the main goal and leave the rest for me. If you ask for help, the Instructor will lead you, not tell you.
How has Kumon helped you academically?
Kumon has helped me study several grades’ worth of material in less than a year, and as a result, helps me learn material years before I even see it in school. Combine that with the independence I’ve gained and focus skills, other subjects like social studies or science also benefit.
What’s the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon?
I feel that the most helpful thing I’ve learned (and am still learning) is how important it is to not get distracted from your work. It’s important to concentrate as hard as your mind can, and not allow yourself to be distracted from the background noise.
If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be?
Kumon has helped me find a world where Shakespearean plays are a daily indulgence, and numbers don’t always represent values. Before I started, I imagined I had a molehill in front of me. Now, the mist has cleared, and I can see a mountain. I’ve realized that if I could go up to the end of high school mathematics while I am only ending elementary school, there’s so much more potential that lies ahead of me. My one word would be: “Insightful.”
Who is your biggest inspiration and why?
One of my main inspirations is Albert Einstein. Most people would think that I’m inspired by him because he persisted even while his teachers told him that he couldn’t do anything. He sought to find a new way of thinking about the universe and physics, even when there were barely any studies about space before him. He inspires me because he was able to find something new – an original idea.
What’s your favorite book and why?
I have 200+ books in my bedroom, so you can probably guess why it’s hard for me to find one favorite. After carefully picking, I chose Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. There are a lot of reasons why I call this book one of my favorites. First, I like it because it isn’t a fairy tale. In fact, the main characters even get captured in the end. Overall it is a great read and I highly recommend it!
How did you feel when you found out you were selected to attend the 2019 Kumon Student Conference?
I felt elated! It was satisfying to see how hard work pays off in the end.
What was your experience like at the 2019 Kumon Student Conference, and what was your favorite part?
At the Student Conference, I felt a sense of belonging to be with other so similar, yet different, Kumon Students and high achievers. I was inspired by the stories of former Kumon Students and their success. My favorite part was the Mummy Game, in which we had to work as a group to solve clues and puzzles to find an “exit.”
What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon?
It might seem boring or hard, but if you pursue the work at your own pace and set goals for yourself, you will find yourself yearning for progress and learning.