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About the Instructor


Instructor since 1992

My name is Kim Phull and I am a very experienced, veteran Instructor with extensive knowledge of the Kumon Method and I employ that knowledge when individually planning each child's in-class and at-home assignments.

My excellent staff and I have operated the Woodbridge North and Major Mackenzie & Weston Road Kumon Centres for over 20 years and we have provided learning skills in Math and Reading to the Vaughan community with much success. We individually plan each child's classwork and homework based on learning patterns and abilities of your child.  
We create an at-home study plan in addition to monitoring classroom assignments, and we emphasize the importance of accurately completing each assignment within a designated time frame.  Our students range from identified learning disabled to highly gifted. This has helped many of my students increase self-confidence and success !!

Biography and Background

Our Weston & Major Mackenzie Centre
Kim Phull & Kumon staff

Please let me introduce myself. My name is Kim Phull. Mystaff and I have operated the Weston & Major Mackenzie and Woodbridge NorthKumon Centres for over 20 years. 


I am a very experienced Instructor with excellent staff. Asa veteran Instructor, I have extensive knowledge of the Kumon Method and Iemploy that knowledge when individually planning each child's in-class andat-home assignments.

Being a fully certified Kumon Instructor, I havemaintained a high standard of planning, staffing and management of the centre.My students are my number one concern - their correct placement and advancementat their rate of learning is our forte.

Training and Certification

The staff at the Weston & Major Mackenzie Centre are fully trained in the Kumon Method. 
We have a high ratio of staff who have worked at the Centres for over 10 years with a low turnover rate.