Chieko embarked on her Kumon journey in 2006 when she became a Kumon Instructor. However, her affiliation with Kumon traces back to her early years in Japan, when she enrolled as a student at the age of three, alongside her two elder sisters. During her time as a student, she diligently studied three subjects: Math, Reading, and Japanese.
The allure of the Kumon Method captivated Chieko's parents, prompting them to become Instructors themselves in the 1980s. Subsequently, they migrated to the Bay Area. In 2001, Chieko joined her parents in managing their three centers, and by 2005, the enrollment numbers swelled to 1500 students across all centers. Overseeing numerous Kumon families for many years has endowed Chieko with invaluable knowledge and experience, cementing them as her most formidable assets as an Instructor. However, even more crucially, it is her genuine passion, love, and care for every child that form the heart and soul of the West San Jose center and her cherished community spanning over four decades.
Harnessing her expertise, coupled with a motivated and well-trained staff, Chieko endeavors to propel children beyond mere academic proficiency, nurturing them into compassionate individuals of outstanding character.
Let West San Jose be the beacon that guides your child towards a happy, safe, and encouraging space for learning!