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About the Center


Welcome to our Kumon Math and Reading Center of Dr. Phillips.

For more than 60 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has helped children achieve success worldwide. We strive to instill in children the desire to achieve and the motivation to learn on their own. Whether your child is seeking enrichment, needs help catching up or is just beginning his or her academic career, Kumon is designed to help him or her develop a love of learning.

Students advance through the program at their own pace. Our emphasis on individualized learning helps your child become focused, motivated and self-reliant. We monitor each child’s progress to ensure comprehension before moving on to a new concept. With a strong academic foundation, critical thinking and problem solving abilities, your child has the potential to achieve whatever he or she desires.

The Kumon Math Program is a comprehensive curriculum that develops the necessary skills to help children progress from counting through calculus. Learn more information about the Kumon Math Program, click here.

The Kumon Reading Program begins with basic phonics and progresses all the way through advanced reading comprehension. Learn more information about the Kumon Reading Program, click here.

Price and Fees

Current Tuition Per Student, Per Month:
One subject (math or reading) - $180
Second subject - $180

Registration Fee - $80.00 per student
Materials Fee - $30.00 per student


Enrollment: Before enrollment, parents are required to attend a parent orientation and students are required to take placement tests to determine a comfortable starting point. The starting point determined by these tests is not negotiable. A progress goal will be generated to share with the prospective family.

Initial enrollment commitment in a subject is for one year and continues thereafter without further commitment. If a separate subject is added, there is a one year commitment for that subject as well.

The Classroom: Parents should refrain from entering the classroom. Stop at the front desk and share your concerns with the staff. Class time belongs to the students and they deserve Ms. Subira’s attention. An appointment can be made to speak with Ms. Subira for either a phone conversation or a face to face meeting.

To avoid accidental spills or disruptions, no food or drink should be brought into the classroom. Students should also leave all toys and electronic devices in the car or with their parents.

Cell phones should remain put away (out of sight). They may be used at the end of a student’s session to let parents know they are finished. After finishing their work, students will be asked to wait quietly in the classroom or the waiting room. Parents should remain close-by in order to pick up their student(s) in a timely manner.

Repetition and Advancement: Each level has a standard completion time, accuracy goals, and method requirements which are used to determine when a student is ready to advance. There are many places in the worksheets and in each student's understanding that require repetition. Ms. Subira will use the Kumon Method to determine when repetition is required.