Continuous Learning
Kumon is a year-round program. It is important that our students continue their Kumon studies throughout the year, including the summer, so that they can keep up with a consistent study habit as well as advance to more challenging materials as soon as possible. Hence we require a minimum of six months of commitment in the Kumon program so that parents and students can understand the full benefits of long term studies.
Center Closure
We will notify all students and parents for center closures in advance. We will provide sufficient homework for all students to do over this period. Students will be notified and will receive homework during these days.
Vacation / Classwork Pick Up
Students and parents may pick up work during class hours if for some reason you cannot stay for the class. For longer periods of absence, please try your best to notify us at least two weeks prior so we can have sufficient time to plan and prepare work for your child to do during your vacation.
Communication is an important element of your child’s learning journey. We provide positive and constructive feedback during class to our students. We highly encourage parents to do the same at home and celebrate your child’s success. We try our best to reserve our class hours working and observing our students. If you have comments or questions regarding your child’s work, please do not hesitate to contact us via written notes, phone calls, texts or email outside of class hours.
No Make-Up Classes
We do not provide make-up classes for students who have missed their regular classes. We encourage parents to call, text or email us (preferably outside of class hours) to notify us if your child cannot attend class. We can prepare your child's HW to be picked up in the box located outside of our center.
Answer Books
Answer books are the property of our Kumon Center, and should be returned promptly upon completion of each level. Please handle the answer books with care.
Safety and Liability
It is important that children are supervised at all times. Kumon of Natomas does not take any responsibility for students’ safety after they have completed their classwork and leave the center. Parents must ensure your children’s safety by picking them up promptly after class. The parent and/or guardian shall be liable for any damages and injuries caused by their children to other persons, the Kumon Center, or the premises in which the center is located. The Instructors are not liable for any Kumon student outside the center facility or after the student leaves the center.
Absent Student Policy
(Not paying tuition; not taking homework; not coming to class)
If a student is absent for more than one month per calendar year, the student is required to pay the registration fee upon his/her return to any Kumon Center.
Withdrawal Policy
We require a 45 days notice given latest by 15th day of the month of withdrawal from the Kumon program. Please come and talk to your Kumon Instructors should you wish to withdraw from the Kumon program to obtain a notice of withdrawal form. Failure to give a written notice of absence or termination will result in a full 1-month charge of tuition fee.