Terms of Enrollment: All tuition for the Kumon Center of Perrysburg is collected via bank auto draft (ACH) or Visa/MasterCard auto charge (EFT). First payment which includes the Registration/Material fee and the tuition based on the tuition option selected is due prior to or on the first date of enrollment. Paid tuition is non-refundable. Tuition is not pro-rated for missed days. ACH/EFT transactions are conducted on the first day of the month for that month. For 3, 6 and 12 month payments, payment will recur on the 25th of the month prior for ACH or the first of the month for EFT, following the end of the payment cycle. The Material Fee covers replacement cost for materials lent out such as answer books and library books. The Registration and Material Fees are one-time fees upon enrollment, as long as the student remains in current student status. A Kumon student may take up to one calendar month absence in a calendar year without paying tuition and without receiving Kumon work. This is defined as a 1 month absence. If a student goes absent more than one calendar month in a calendar year, they will fall into discontinued status. Once discontinued, if a student returns to Kumon, they will be subject to a $40 re-enrollment fee.
Student Attendance: Students may attend class 1-2 days per week. It is important that students commit consistently to 1 day per week for turning in homework, receiving new homework and completing center assignments. Students are at the center for about 20-30 mins. per subject per class session. Students must arrive no later than 30 mins prior to closing to complete daily assignments. Students arriving after this time will only be allowed to turn in completed assignments and collect new assignments, students will not be permitted to stay and complete work at the center.
Classroom Policy: Our Kumon Center classroom is a quiet place for learning. We ask that students and parents please be mindful of this and speak in a library tone when in the main classroom. We welcome the opportunity to answer parents questions but in order for our students to get the most out of their Kumon session, we ask that if parents have questions or concerns, need to request work for an upcoming absence/vacation, need to change contact info, or discuss scheduling, that this be done outside of class hours. Please call the center outside of class hours at 419-874-8029 or email us at [email protected]. If we are aware of certain problems ahead of time (child had trouble w/homework, skipped assignments, upcoming absence/vacation, etc.) we can prepare to handle the issues prior to or as soon as your child arrives, thus making the most of their time at the center. This will also help to cut down on distractions in the center and maximize each child's time at the center.
Absence Policy: Students may take a 1 calendar month break in a calendar year from Kumon assignments, no tuition will be collected during this time, and they will still remain a current student. You must notify the center in writing 2 weeks prior to the billing cycle of the 25th or the 1st day of the absent month. If we do not receive proper notification, you will be charged the upcoming month's tuition. If a student goes absent longer than 1 calendar month they will be considered discontinued from the program and a $40 re-enrollment fee will be assessed upon return.
Withdrawal Policy: Written notice is required 30 days prior to the 1st of the month for the month for which you wish to withdraw. For example, if you wish to withdraw for May, written notice must be provided by April 1st.
Note: For those that have opted for the 3, 6 or 12 month pre-payment option, we will not provide a refund except under extenuating circumstances such as a relocation. If you pre-pay for 6 or 12 months and require a refund, due to extenuating circumstances, you will forfeit the 6 or 1 month discount, total tuition used will be calculated at the monthly rate and then deducted from the total amount paid. In addition, a 25% penalty for cancellation of the original agreement to pre-pay will be charged. Both charges will be deducted from the original paid total for the payment option selected. The refund will be processed the first week of the month following the completion of the 30 day cancellation cycle.
Vacation/Unplanned Absences: Please contact the center at least 1 class in advance of any planned absences or vacations so that we may have your child's work prepared for them when they arrive. Vacation and absence forms are in the waiting room or you can email us. Last minute requests made when your child comes to class will not be honored. If your child is unable to come to class on their scheduled day due to illness or any other last minute reason, you can contact us to let us know and we can try to make alternative arrangements for you to get your child's homework. Failure to make arrangements will result in your child's work being reassigned the next time they come to class.
Center Vacation Days: Kumon is a year round program. We do close for certain holidays: Memorial Day, July 3rd/4th if either fall on a center day, Labor Day, Halloween (if it falls on a center day), Thanksgiving holiday and weekend, spring and winter recess (we typically follow Perrysburg Schools schedule). There is no pro-ration of tuition for these closings, homework will be provided in advance to students to cover those days we are closed.
Weather Related Closings: In the event of inclement weather if we have to close the center we will post the closing on our center Facebook page, or right here on our center website, and we will change the voicemail message to reflect the closing. During the winter we will close if there is a level 3 snow emergency.
Parent Agreement: I understand that my child's success in Kumon depends on my supervision and my child's active participation in completing Kumon assignments at home. I agree to help my child designate a time each day to complete assignments. I agree to remind my child to put their name, start and end time on his/her homework. I understand that although it is a recommendation and not a requirement it is in my child's best interest for me to grade his/her homework (Answer books are loaned out for parent use) and have him/her correct mistakes, and I will be sure to offer plenty of praise for positive reinforcement.