Center Attendance
- Students attend Kumon classes twice weekly for approximately 30 minute sessions per subject. Students may finish early or may need extra time. Tuition is charged for the entirety of the program, not minutes or hours spent in the Center.
- Center attendance is important for instructor observation of students to determine "just right level" and to determine a student's lesson plan. However, center visits are not tutoring sessions and students work just as independently at the center as they will at home.
- The center environment is very quiet and designed to provide the ideal study environment for students to complete assignments. Student behavior should adhere to keeping this ideal study environment. Students must not disrupt other students.
- Please be available to pick up your child when he/she finishes their classwork and leaves the classroom. Kumon does not provide childcare services.
- If you know that a class will be missed, the classwork and homework will be available to the student in the drop-box located next to the exterior front door of the Center.
- Because tuition is charged on a monthly basis, no monies will be refunded for missed classes or work.
Center Closings
Kumon of Olmos Park is open throughout the year with the exception of our holiday schedule. Due to mandatory staff trainings that may require absence of the Instructor, it is possible that the center may be run by the center assistants or closed for a class day. Every effort is made to avoid center closure. If schools are closed due to inclement weather, Kumon of Olmos Park will also be closed.
Communicating with the Instructor:
During class hours, it is important for the Instructor to focus solely on the students and the running of class. For this reason, the Instructor will not be available to meet with parents during class. If parents would like to schedule a conference, or relay a message to the Instructor, please email at [email protected] or leave a message when calling.