To help ensure that our Center remains a safe environment, we will be taking the follow steps:
Center Hours: To reduce the number of students in the classroom at any given time, we made some temporary changes to our center days and hours. At this time, Kumon of Wylie will be open for in-center classes from 4PM to 7PM on Wednesdays only.
Center Scheduling: In addition to the changes to Center hours, we will strictly enforce student scheduling to limit the number of people in the center at once. All students should arrive promptly at their scheduled time and should not remain at the center past their appointment. Children will be scheduled every half-hour. If your child only has one subject, they will finish in about 20 minutes therefore please remain in your car in the parking lot as our staff walks them out early. For families who do both math and reading, please pick your child up after 40 minutes. This will give our staff 10-15 minutes to disinfect the tables and prepare for our next set of students. IF YOU ARE LATE FOR PICKUP, we will request you to pick up the remaining month of classwork and homework.
Center Cleanliness: We are taking many steps to limit student interaction and keep the Center clean. Kumon of Wylie's staff will thoroughly clean and sanitize the center after each student and every class on Wednesdays.
We ask that you support our efforts by following the guidelines regarding student hygiene within the Center Cleanliness Policy. Please remember that these rules are meant to protect all staff members, students, and families who visit the center.
Classroom Guidelines: During center operations there will be 2-3 staff members and myself assisting students. Therefore only 6 students will be allowed in the center at any given time. All assistants and I WILL BE REQUIRED to wear gloves and masks during center hours. In order to maintain social distancing, NO assistant will work directly with young children without proper safety precautions. My staff and I will stand 6-FT apart to direct students and assist with oral reading.
Students will REMAIN SEATED during class time so there will be no direct contact with our graders.
Siblings will sit together at the same desk while everyone else will remain 6-FT apart.
Students will BRING THEIR OWN PENCIL. We will no longer provide pencils or prizes for students during this time.
ALL BATHROOMS WILL BE CLOSED (except for emergency situations)
We will REQUIRE EVERYONE who comes to the center to use cloth face coverings to prevent any spread of illnesses.
Temperature screening will also be conducted for any staff or children that display any signs of illness.
ALL parents need to wait in their car and we will walk your child out.
PARENT WAITING ROOM WILL BE CLOSED (available for homework pickup and drop off)
If your child comes to the center unprepared, our staff will call you to come and pick up your child. Any child that is not on the schedule or is sick will be asked to pick up classwork and homework during this time. We ask for your cooperation in maintaining a clean and healthy environment and look forward to welcoming you back to the Center!