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About the Center


Welcome to the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Frisco - West. For more than 60 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has helped children achieve success worldwide. At our center, we strive to instill in children the desire to achieve and the motivation to learn on their own.

We have been part of the Frisco community since August 2010. Our center takes pride in students advancing through the Kumon Program at their own pace. We emphasize individualized learning that helps your child become focused, motivated, and self-reliant. We monitor each child’s progress to ensure comprehension and mastery before moving on to a new concept.

With a strong academic foundation, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, your child has the potential to achieve whatever he or she desires. Whether your child is seeking enrichment, needs help catching up or is just beginning his or her academic career, Kumon is designed to help him or her develop a love of learning.

The Kumon Math Program is a comprehensive curriculum that develops the necessary skills to help children progress from counting through calculus. For more information about the Kumon Math Program, click here.

The Kumon Reading Program begins with basic phonics and progresses all the way through advanced reading comprehension. For more information about the Kumon Reading Program, click here.

¡Hablamos Español!

¡Bienvenidos a Kumon Math and Reading Center of FRISCO - WEST!

Para niños de 3 años en adelante.

El mejor momento para empezar Kumon es antes de que su hijo comience la escuela. El comenzar Kumon a edad temprana no solo prepara a su hijo para la escuela, sino también sienta las bases para que avance sin problemas en sus estudios. 

El Programa Kumon comienza con el conteo de números en matemáticas, y el pronunciar palabras en lectura. Con eso se empieza a construir una sólida base académica que asegurará que su hijo tenga éxito en sus clases. Otros beneficios igualmente importantes son la adquisición de confianza, autoestima y el placer por aprender que le durarán toda la vida.

¡Déle a sus hijos la ventaja académica que necesitan para competir en el mundo de hoy!

Price and Fees

Monthly Tuition
$165 per subject

One-time only fees at Registration
Registration Fee - $80 per child
Materials Fee - $30 per child

Contact us to learn more about Kumon Connect!
