A detailed set of Kumon Center policies is provided during the Parent Orientation prior to enrollment. The basics which apply to all enrolled families include:
1- Classes are held on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00pm-7:30pm and Saturdays from 9:00am-12:00pm. Students are advised to attend class twice a week unless the parents discuss another arrangement with Ms. Nicole in advance.
2 - Whether you are an athlete, musician or Kumon math and reading student, daily practice is essential for success. Homework is assigned at each student's "just right" level, and should be completed, graded, timed and corrected daily.
3 - Successful progress in Kumon requires parent's active supervision of daily work. Setting the right study environment, providing positive encouragement, and regularly observing the student will maximize parent's return on investment.
4 - Regular communication between Parents and the Instructor is desired and encouraged. As at school, the top performing Kumon students are supported by parents who routinely discuss their student's lesson plan, schedule and student-unique learning needs with the Instructor.
5 - The Kumon Math and Reading Center of Virginia Beach - Kempsville uses a classroom approach for instruction. Student independence and self-learning are core principles of the Kumon Method of Learning which involves individualized study, not one-on-one tutoring.
Policies pertaining to monthly tuition payments, parent expectations, student behavior and other matters are provided during Orientation.