Attendance and Absences:
Students are permitted to take only one month’s absence per calendar year in both subjects. A second month’s absence (consecutive or not) will cause the student to lose their Kumon reward points, and they will have to pay the registration fee again.
At least 24 hours is required if you cannot attend the next class for us to prepare work for the student in advance for pick up. If a long absence is required, please advise the instructor as soon as possible in order to prepare work accordingly.
Payment Policy:
There is no fee for the placement test or initial interview. Tuition is paid by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) on the 1st of every month for the following calendar month. This is for our mutual convenience.
Tuition is charged for the Kumon Method and the use of the worksheets. The number of classes attended does not affect tuition. A $50 service charge applies to any rejected transaction or refund.
Continuous Learning:
Kumon is a year-round program and the Centre operates 12 months a year. We encourage our students to attend throughout the year, including the summer, so that students may advance beyond their grade level as soon as possible.
Kumon is not a “quick fix” program; therefore, a minimum 12-month personal commitment is expected.
Parent’s Role:
Kumon is a family commitment. Please check that your child has completed their homework daily.
Remember that Kumon’s focus is independent learning. Home marking is very beneficial to your child so that corrections can be made immediately, and your child can stay on track and move faster through the level. Please request an answer book if you need one and do not hesitate to ask for assistance with home marking.
Your child’s progress is always our highest priority. We will send home the results of the achievement test after every test. Information of this type is sent through your child, so please check their blue Kumon case for center communications to you.
Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me if you need guidance related to Kumon or if you would like to share information on what you are observing at home.
Please keep us informed of any changes to your e-mail address, phone numbers or emergency contact information. Planned center closures are announced via email.