Benefits of Continuous Study
Daily study is important to your child's success and is part of the Kumon Method of Learning. Kumon is open year-round, even during the summer months. Regular and continuous practice helps your child develop mastery of concepts and optimizes their progress. It provides an opportunity for your child to study at an advanced grade level which enhances critical thinking skills and independence. There are many other benefits to continuous study such as the development of good work habits and time management skills. Ultimately, it helps to develop self-motivated, confident problem solvers. To recognize the full benefits of Kumon, we require a minimum one year commitment of enrollment.
Team Work
Team work between you, your child and our staff is of utmost importance to your child's progress as we all work together for their success. We provide positive and encouraging feedback to your child during class and encourage you to also celebrate their successes at home. We value and welcome any communication or feedback that you wish share with us, but kindly request that you do so outside of class time so that we can spend class time with our students. We can easily be reached by phone, email or in person during regular office hours.
Scheduling Of Class Appointments
For Early Learners, we schedule regular class appointment times for your child at enrollment. For all other students, parents have access to our online scheduler where you will book your child's appointment time for each class yourself. This provides great flexibility for families as you have control of which time is most convenient for you to send your child to class on any given day. You can also book siblings into class at the same time.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Students are dismissed at the end of their class time slot and it is the parent's responsibility to ensure that they are ready and waiting at the front door for their child. Kumon is not responsible for your child before or after their scheduled class time.
Vacation Homework
Please notify us two weeks in advance of your planned vacations so that we have time to prepare a Kumon On-The-Go homework package to take with you. There is flexibility available with the amount of homework to complete while away and we are more than happy to discuss a vacation plan that works best for you and your child.
Long Term Absence
Students who are absent from Kumon for more than one calendar month (no homework, no class attendance and no tuition fee paid) per calendar year will need to pay the $80 registration fee again to re-enroll.
Withdrawal From Kumon
My centre requires a MINIMUM FIVE BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE before the first of the month when deciding to withdraw your child from Kumon. Refunds are not provided.