Calgary Herald - Readers' Choice Awards
Kumon has won
GOLD in the category for After-School Tutoring among thousands of votes in the 2022-23
Readers' Choice Awards! Look for the link to our Kumon article on this page!
There is also a printed version of the interview. Click here to check out the article!
Thank you to our parents for your votes. Share this with your friends and we look forward to continuing working with more students in our community to help them gain more confidence in learning!
Kumon Savanna 2024 Holidays Calendar:
The Centre will be closed for the days listed below. These dates are subject to change; Centre closure notice will be provided ahead of time:
*Friday, March 29 (Good Friday)
*Saturday, May 18 (Victoria Day Long Weekend)
*Tuesday, August 27 to Saturday, August 31Inclusive (Summer Break)
*Saturday, October 12 (Thanksgiving Long Weekend)
*December (Winter Break Dates TBD)