4 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Read for Fun

4 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Read for Fun

A young girl reading to her sister on her lap

Parents play a huge role in raising strong, confident and independent readers. Once children begin to read on their own, it can seem easy to stop reading or discussing books with them. However, it’s important to continue to talk about and recommend books as they get older.

Some children tend to lose interest in reading during the middle school years because reading requirements increase during this time. The idea of reading for pleasure is often lost among the various schoolwork assignments. Being able to indulge in independent, self-selected reading is an invaluable activity for children.

Here are a few ways to encourage your child to read:

1. Liked the movie? Read the book.

If your children really liked a movie or television show that was based on a book, encourage them to read it. Afterwards, discuss how the book was different from the movie and if the actors fit the characters. There are several books on the Kumon Recommended Reading List (RRL) that were also turned into movies.


2. Read more of what they enjoy.

Many of the books on the RRL are part of a series or written by well-known authors. Encourage your children to read more books in the same series or other titles by an author they have enjoyed.


3. Find award-winning books.

Children’s books that have been awarded the Newbery Medal were selected by a panel of librarians as the “most distinguished American children’s book published.” Encourage your children to give these notable titles a try.

4. Consider non-fiction.

Some readers enjoy digesting and retaining facts. Nonfiction books are great options for keeping your children engaged and informed. Plus, they can help cultivate young readers’ interests by introducing them to new topics.

Looking for other books to encourage your child to read? Try: