Becoming a Kumon Reading Completer – Trey’s Kumon Success Story

Student Name: Trey
Age: 12
Current Grade: 7th grade
Kumon Center: Palm Coast
Years enrolled in the Kumon Math Program: 7 years
Kumon Math Level: J
Years enrolled in the Kumon Reading Program: 7 years
Kumon Reading Level: Completed the reading program
Trey was five years old when he enrolled in Kumon. After seven years of hard work and diligent study, he finally achieved an amazing Kumon milestone, he completed the Kumon Reading Program. Trey, 12, is now working towards completing the Kumon Math Program. He is also enrolled in Duke TIP and John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, two prestigious and rigorous academic programs. Trey and his father, Augusto and discuss his achievements and the role Kumon plays in his son’s life.
Student Questions
What do you enjoy most about Kumon?
Trey: I enjoy how Kumon helps me get better at reading and math every day.
What are the achievements that you are most proud of?
Trey: Outside of Kumon, I am proud of winning piano competitions at a very young age and achieving 99% in John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth SCAT Verbal Component. At Kumon, I am proud of completing the Kumon Reading Program.
How has Kumon helped you academically?
Trey: Kumon helped me become a disciplined and confident learner. It has also taught me how to build my time management skills which complements my studies in school.
How has your Kumon Instructor supported you?
Trey: Through constant encouragement, especially when I am not sure how to approach a problem.
What programs or activities do you participate in outside of Kumon?
Trey: Piano, soccer, golf, clarinet, Duke TIP, John Hopkins CTY.
What do you want to do when you grow up? Where do you want to go to school? Why?
Trey: I want to be a medical doctor or a veterinarian to help people or animals get healthy. I want to go to Harvard or John Hopkins, because they are the best and I like the cold weather.
What would you tell a student who was considering quitting Kumon?
Trey: It’s a lot of work, but it is worth it!
What have you learned about yourself since starting Kumon?
Trey: I need to believe I can do it and practice hard.
Parent Questions
Why did you enroll Trey in Kumon?
Augusto (Trey’s Father): In order to help Trey improve his math and reading skills.
How did you learn about Kumon?
Augusto: I heard about Kumon after I researched educational programs on the web.
How soon after enrolling Trey in Kumon did you notice any changes?
Augusto: I noticed an immediate improvement in Trey’s math and reading skills. Kumon has helped build Trey’s concentration and helped him develop his time management and organizational skills. My son became a disciplined, efficient and hard-working student.
How has your Kumon Instructor supported you throughout this process?
Augusto: Our Kumon Instructor worked very closely with our son and gave constant guidance, encouragement and support.
How do you define “success” for Trey?
Augusto: For my son, success is the ability to meet challenges and to strive not only for excellence, but to become a confident, competent, strong and independent person.
How has Trey responded to being a part of the Kumon Program?
Augusto: Trey has responded very well to joining Kumon. He has become a disciplined learner. There are times when he’s tired of doing his Kumon homework, but it is important to instill the concept of self-discipline. All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of success.
Would you recommend Kumon to other families? Why?
Augusto: Definitely! It will help their children improve their intellectual and test-taking skills.