Four Easy Tips for School Report Cards - Student Resources

Four Easy Tips for School Report Cards

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Now that the school year is in full swing, we all know what’s right around the corner. Report cards! For most parents, this will be the first indication of their child’s development at school. Report cards are an important benchmark and measurement of academic performance and will provide you with information regarding your child’s academic development. As such, learning to interpret the information within the report card is key to assessing your child’s progress. Use the report card as a tool to help your child celebrate success and tackle any challenges. Here are a few tips for school report cards !


First, review the report card on your own.

When you receive the report card, your first instinct may be to look for areas where your child needs improvement. However, it’s important to process all of the information before discussing the results with your child. When going through the report, start by identifying strengths and areas that have improved. Make a note of these before moving on to weaknesses and subjects that may be slipping.


Plan a balanced conversation.

Planning in advance your approach to the conversation is essential. Bookending the negative comments with positive ones will result in beginning and ending with good news! Starting with good news will engage children and make them confident enough for the bad news, and ending with good news will leave them feeling empowered instead of defeated.


Meet privately with your child.

Sitting down to speak without distractions shows your child that the conversation is important. If you have multiple children, speak to each one individually and avoid interruptions. Be sure to allow enough time to have a relaxed discussion about performance. Children will naturally feel nervous about discussing their report card. Before opening the report, ask your child how he thinks he did. This will indicate how aware he is of his own progress. Ask him what he learned in each subject.


Praise, discuss areas of improvement, and strategize.

Let your child know how proud you are of the successes in the subjects done well and any improvements that have been made. Praising children for this is just as important as constructive criticism. The areas of improvement must be seen as opportunities for growth, and they assist in your child’s progression to the next level. With ideas in your back pocket, chat with your child about ideas for improvement and strategize different plans together to address the weaknesses. And remember to always end on a positive note about how proud you are.


Armed with these tips for school report cards, you’ll be better able to digest the information offered through the report card and have a productive conversation with your child. It’s all about celebrating success and helping to tackle any challenges!