Maintaining Momentum for Students - Student Resources

Maintaining Momentum for Students

A girl raises her hands in celebration as she looks at her computer where it shows she has passed a test as a visual representation of momentum for students

As the second half of the school year begins, it’s a great time to evaluate where your children are with their learning. With so many disruptions over the past year, they may not be where you expected, and that’s okay. Set some goals with your child and prepare for better months ahead. Here are three ways to keep momentum for students going and end the school year on a high note.

Maintain Relationships With Teachers

A young girl looks at her computer while remote learning

Good communication with your children’s teachers can be the key to your children’s success. Educators can give helpful advice and provide information that your children may not readily share with you. For example, teachers will know exactly which concepts and skills your children are mastering and which are issues. If things seem amiss or grades show a downward trend, reach out and discuss your concerns and ask teachers what you can do at home to help. Frequent and open communication with teachers will provide insights you won’t get anywhere else.

If your children are still learning remotely, their teachers may look to you to provide insight into your children’s study habits. Keeping an open line of communication can ensure their teachers have a full picture of your children’s strengths and weaknesses. It can also strengthen your relationship with their teachers, who can provide valuable tips on how to work with your children at home.

Consider Sources of Stress

a young boy wearing a mask clasps his head in frustration next to school books

Stress can be a powerful motivator—or a factor that is stifling your children’s success. Evaluate stressors at home, at school and in their social life and consider the potential impacts. For example, if your child has a disagreement at school, they may have difficulty focusing. Make an attempt to discover these outside sources of stress and take action to mitigate them as much as possible.

One way to find out what’s causing your children’s stress is to simply ask. Knowing what is affecting your child’s ability to perform in school is the first step toward addressing these influences. From there, you can begin to make the necessary adjustments to help reduce the effect that stress has on your child in school.

Stay Positive and Be Realistic

a young girl flips through a book at school

Your children work hard to do their best. Although you may always want to see an A on their tests, you can’t expect perfection all the time.

Your children are bound to experience setbacks, and unrealistic goals won’t help. School prepares your children for the real world, and the real world comes with failures and stumbling blocks.  Children need to know that as long as they are trying their hardest and doing their best work, they will be okay. We can’t always be number one, and acknowledging effort can be more more important than rewarding the results.

When you stay positive in the face of adversity and set realistic expectations, your children will reflect the same attitudes. Adopting this approach will help teach your children to continue pursuing their goals even if they encounter hardships along the way.

When you understand the roadblocks children are facing, you can work together to map a route around those obstacles so momentum for students does not slow down. Children will grow stronger and more confident, knowing that they can persevere through adversity.