Soaring Imagination Fuels This Young Writer’s Creativity

Soaring Imagination Fuels This Young Writer’s Creativity

Morgan wearing a pink shirt with a black backdrop.

Morgan, 11-years-old, Math Level J & Reading Level HII

With an imagination that soars, 11-year-old Morgan allows her creativity to run wild in just about anything she does. One of Morgan’s biggest strengths is her determination to reach her dreams. And her secret to reaching her dreams? Setting goals.

 young girl at the park with hands on the swing set

“I have always been told that I am very determined for my age,” said Morgan. “One of the things I am proud of is when I set a goal for myself, I remain determined to reach my goals. I like thinking independently and I take responsibility for my education. I believe this is a skill I will use my whole life.”

One of Morgan’s creative outlets is writing. For inspiration on her pieces, she turns to the experts. Morgan is fascinated by the work of film directors and writers. She loves to hear how they develop characters, scripts, and other decisions that are made when making a film.

“I really enjoy playing as my imagination allows,” said Morgan. “I enjoy thinking up stories and developing characters for those stories and writing short stories on various topics!”

Despite balancing a busy schedule, Morgan finds the time to give back through volunteering. Morgan and her sister started a donation site to raise awareness and funds for Sole Hope. This non-profit organization’s mission is to fight parasitic insects in Africa and provide treatment for those infected. Morgan’s efforts were able to impact 200 lives.

Morgan was one of 56 students selected for Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

“Here I am, 11-years-old, and we’re staying in downtown Chicago because of my hard work in Kumon. It was such an amazing feeling,” said Morgan. “I felt like a celebrity when I walked in! I loved listening to the speakers and getting to work with other Kumon Students! My biggest question at the end was, can I do this again next year?”

Morgan shares with us who her inspiration is and plans for the future.

What do you enjoy most about Kumon?

I truly enjoy being able to complete my math assignments quickly in school. I’m now able to help my friends solve and understand challenging math concepts.

How has Kumon helped you academically?

I’ve learned to remain disciplined. Kumon reminds me of the importance of sticking with something until it’s complete. Little by little and bit by bit, if I am disciplined, I know I can accomplish great things. I find if I consistently apply myself, I can make progress in other areas like biology and creative writing.

How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom?

As I look back at everything I’ve accomplished in Kumon, I can see that with consistent effort over time, I can overcome challenges and accomplish amazing things. I’m realizing that this is true in life as well.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

There are so many things I want to do when I grow up. I aspire to be an inventor, a medical research doctor, a micro-biologist, and much more. I figure I can do all of these things during my life!

Who’s your biggest inspiration and why?

My biggest inspiration is the great mathematician, Katherine Johnson. She was incredibly instrumental in helping NASA put a man in space, and safely bring him back to earth. She definitely has math superpowers! Katherine even received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from former President Barack Obama, which is the highest civilian honor in the United States.

What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon?

Focus on today’s work and don’t worry about tomorrow’s or the rest of the week. If you get stuck, take a short break to clear your mind, then get back to it. When you finish, celebrate another completed day.

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