Intangible Skills Give This Student the Confidence to Never Give Up

Nurayda, 13-years-old, Math Level N
13-year-old Nurayda is fiercely competitive. This holds true when she’s on the basketball court, competing in chess tournaments, and even when she’s keeping up in her advanced classes. With her eyes always on the prize, Nurayda gives it her all no matter what she’s doing, and her accomplishments show it. When she was just nine years old, she placed sixth at the United States National Chess Tournament in Nashville, Tennessee. Nurayda also came in second place in the Crime Busters division at the Science Olympiad States Tournament at Michigan State University.

When Nurayda enrolled in the Kumon Math Program ten years ago, she quickly gained intangible skills, such as a boost in her confidence, independence, and improved focus. It’s those very skills that set Nurayda apart from her peers and give her the confidence needed to try anything and focus on always making improvements.
“Kumon has of course helped me tremendously in math and reading. Not only has it allowed me to always be advanced in school, but it has given me the chance to now help my peers who are struggling,” said Nurayda. “Without Kumon, I would not have the motivation to aim for perfection and participate in anything I am interested in. Kumon has also made me a very competitive girl and has inspired me to always challenge myself.”

Nurayda finds every opportunity to give back to her community and help others. In 2019, she participated in her middle school’s annual food drive and was proud to be one of the biggest food donors.
“I have participated in many community service and volunteer projects like food drives, clothing drives, and more,” said Nurayda. “The most meaningful project I have completed was my school’s annual food drive last year. I was the biggest food donor and was extremely involved with the project. I also motivated other kids to donate generously.”
This past summer, Nurayda was one of 155 students from Canada, USA and Mexico who attended the Virtual Kumon Student Conference. The students had the opportunity to be inspired and motivated by Kumon Ambassadors, former top Kumon Students who are now excelling in their careers and extracurricular pursuits. They also met each other in virtual breakout rooms and engaged in a discussion about methods of teaching.
“My experience at the Student Conference was very inspirational,” said Nurayda. “I felt honored to be among other extremely talented kids. My favorite part was the Zoom breakout rooms, where I got to speak to other kids participating in the conference.”
Nurayda shares with us her plans for the future and her advice for other Kumon Students.

What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon?
The advice I would give to kids just starting Kumon would be to persevere through every challenge, because Kumon truly pays off in the long run.
What do you think of Kumon’s method of thinking for oneself?
I like Kumon’s method of thinking for oneself because it proves the saying, “practice makes perfect.” There have been several times where I just didn’t understand a concept and wanted to give up. But with the help of my Kumon Instructor, I am able to overcome these challenges and move on.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I grow up, I want to be a doctor and make the world a better place by helping others.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is Martin Luther King Jr. I grew up learning about him and his story has made me a huge supporter of equality. The impact he left on the world will never be forgotten.
What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon thus far?
The most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon is to never give up. I know that mistakes are a part of life and everyone makes them. Recovering from the mistakes is important and has made me who I am today.
If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be?
Any other information you’d like to share about your Kumon journey?
Many people things that Kumon only helps you in math and reading as it says in the name, but I think it teaches you so much more than that. At a young age, Kumon teaches you social skills and as you get older it prepares you for a successful future. My Kumon experience has been filled with ups and downs. With the encouragement from my Kumon Instructor and parents, I learned how to remain resilient. All I can say is to keep finishing those worksheets – wherever you are and whatever you are doing.