Kumon Student Leverages Confidence and Independence to Lead His Peers

Kumon Student Leverages Confidence and Independence to Lead His Peers

Conner, 10-years-old, Math Level H

From the classroom to the hockey rink, Conner’s confidence in his abilities inspires those around him. His parents enrolled him in the Kumon Math Program four years ago, and he has since developed into a confident, self-learner who is always willing to give things a try.

Once Conner discovered his own ability through the Kumon Method a world of possibility was unlocked for him. By building confidence at an early age, Kumon Students become motivated to reach their goals and learn to take on challenges both in and out of the classroom. Conner’s confidence in his own abilities can pave the way to academic success.

“Kumon has made me confident in my abilities, improved my math skills, and has allowed me to help my peers in school. I am almost always first to raise my hand to answer math questions in school. Kumon has helped me get well ahead in math. My teacher often asks me to lead in helping others with their math homework,” said Conner.

“The Kumon Method has given me the independence to complete my math work on my own.  In the beginning, I would always run to my dad to ask for help on solving problems. Now, I can try any problem on my own.  Kumon has helped me advance at my own pace. I am not only learning what is in school, but I am also learning three years ahead of my peers, which is exciting.”

Conner’s confidence and success in school have opened many doors for various opportunities. His peers look up to him and are inspired by his motivation – leading him to be elected for his school’s student council.

When he was in the third grade, Conner was one of two winners in a school essay contest. Still to this day, he is proud of this accomplishment, as he had the opportunity to have lunch with children’s fiction author, Dan Gutman.

Conner’s accomplishments don’t stop there. He was one of 155 students from Canada, USA and Mexico who attended the Virtual Kumon Student Conference. The students had the opportunity to be inspired and motivated by Kumon Ambassadors, former top Kumon Students who are now excelling in their careers and extracurricular pursuits.  They also met each other in virtual breakout rooms and engaged in a discussion about methods of teaching.

Conner shares with us his advice for kids just starting Kumon and his secret to staying motivated.

What’s the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon thus far?

When I first enrolled in the Kumon Math Program, I was struggling with multiplication. Kumon helped me improve a lot of my math skills.

What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon?

It might be hard in the beginning, but don’t give up. Good things will come from all of your hard work.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

I’m inspired by my mom and dad because they both work hard and always make good things happen.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My goal is to become a robotics engineer.

How do you continue to stay motivated in Kumon even when work becomes challenging?

I stay motivated because I want to go to a good college, like Princeton, and Kumon is helping me work towards this goal. Also, I stay motivated because I have to live up to my older sister’s legacy! I try to beat her at everything. She is also very smart and is a great student. Why you ask? Well, that’s just how siblings are —competitive!

What is your favorite book and why?

The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. This book is filled with action and introduces me to Greek mythology.

If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be?


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