What To Do When School Is Not Challenging Your Child

What To Do When School Is Not Challenging Your Child

There are bound to be moments throughout the school year when your child lacks the motivation to get work done. On the other hand, there are also instances in which children are excelling in school, resulting in a lack of motivation to stay engaged because their school is not challenging them enough.

This is because they no longer feel that work is challenging them to learn more. They are lacking curiosity to solve problems or craft answers because their abilities are advanced beyond that material.

To better understand if your child is no longer being challenged by their schoolwork, think about the following:

  • Does your child complain about being bored in school?
  • Do they show a desire for wanting to learn more?
  • Is your child accurately completing work quicker than classmates?
  • Are they receiving great grades but don’t spend much time studying at home?

If you answered yes to any of the above, first take some time to speak with your child’s teacher. There may be an opportunity for them to work on different assignments or to adjust classes to better suit their needs. You will also want to consider an enrichment program that can be incredibly beneficial for their learning.

Enroll them in an enrichment program

An enrichment program can provide an extra challenge in specific subjects but at a pace that is comfortable for the student’s learning. Oftentimes, they can unlock your child’s true learning potential so they can achieve more on their own.

The Kumon Math and Reading Program is one example of an enrichment program. Kumon allows children to advance based on their ability rather than their age or grade. This allows them to learn new concepts at their own pace which can result in children studying above their school grade level.

An enrichment program can also build confidence, study skills, and the ability to learn on their own as children tackle new challenges.

Encourage more learning opportunities outside of class

From different school subjects to extracurricular activities, there are a ton of places for children to continue learning something new. For example, if your child is happily excelling in reading and writing, they may be interested in exploring the skill further.

This can be through different clubs or extracurricular activities that allow them to think outside of the box and challenge themselves outside of the classroom. This not only will help foster a deeper love for the subject they’re interested in, but can also encourage them to continue learning and exploring those in other areas of life.